
How Secure Is Your Cloud? Penetration Testing on AWS

The system grows significantly more complicated as AWS continues to deploy new services and serve millions of more customers. This increased difficulty may make it easier for malicious actors to find and exploit security flaws. Any person with access to an identity and access management (IAM) system, such as a user or an administrator, is vulnerable to a social engineering assault, compounding the difficulty of the situation.

The only way for cybersecurity experts to effectively deal with these threats is via regular AWS penetration testing. Misconfigured security groups and excessive privileges, misunderstandings of the shared responsibility model that can lead to unintentional risk exposure, failure to implement strong authentication for cloud resources, and a lack of employee education with regard to social engineering are all things that can be uncovered through penetration testing.

In addition to helping with compliance with mandates like HIPAA, PCI DSS, and FedRAMP, penetration testing (  has additional benefits as well. In order to detect, investigate, and remedy noncompliance issues with these and other compliance requirements, frequent penetration testing is required.

Amazon allows for penetration tests to be run against its systems, but only after obtaining prior consent for specified scenarios. When it comes to Amazon penetration testing, businesses should use professionals. AWS security partners are aware of what simulations need Amazon’s green light and hence what to test.

Procedures for Conducting Attacks on Amazon Web Services

There are two types of approaches to assessing an AWS platform’s security:

  • Security of the cloud – Amazon is responsible for guaranteeing the security of the AWS cloud infrastructure. This category comprises any vulnerabilities, logic errors, or zero-day threats present on AWS servers that may affect their performance or cause harm to users.
  • Security in the cloud – Customers are responsible for maintaining the security of the assets and applications they put on the AWS platform. To improve the security of their applications on the AWS cloud, organizations must adhere to the essential security protocols.

When using AWS, you may check the safety of user-run services, such as cloud offers you build and set up. Businesses may put AWS EC2 instances through their paces without risking service disruption by using such strategies in their testing (e.g., launching a DoS attack).

AWS prohibited security audits of vendor-run services, which includes any cloud service hosted by a third party. AWS customers may pentest the cloud environment’s setup and implementation, but not the hosting infrastructure. While clients may access the API Gateway and Cloudfront configurations, they cannot access the underlying infrastructure.

AWS Security Flaws and Penetration Testing Software

A number of security flaws are unique to AWS infrastructure, however some are more prevalent than others. Among the most serious security flaws in the AWS infrastructure are:

  • Problems with permissions and setup.
  • Identity access management (IAM) keys, among other credentials.
  • Make it possible for attackers to avoid detection
  • Functions in Lambda that provide a backdoor into a private cloud.
  • Covers an attacker’s footprints by obfuscating their cloudtrail logs.

Understand a pentest provider’s strategy and capabilities. Choosing the correct supplier helps companies to use end deliverables to detect and prioritize business risks.

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