Ten of My Favourite Jennifer Brown Quotes
Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Jennifer Brown’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Jennifer Brown quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Jennifer Brown’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:
Popular Quotes
“Oh, hell no, Romeo.”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
“People do it all the time–assume that they “know” what’s going on in someone else’s head. That’s impossible. And to think it’s possible is a mistake. A really big mistake. A life-ruining one if you’re not careful.”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
“One’s my favorite number. The word won being the past tense of win, and we can all say at the end of the day that we won once again, can’t we? Some days making it to the end of the day is quite a victory.”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
“We all got to be winners sometimes. But what he didn’t understand was that we all had to be losers, too. Because you can’t have one without the other.”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
“All I could really think was how much I wanted to sleep. How much I wanted to be in a different world other than the one I was in.”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
“Because who you are is supposed to be the easiest question in the world answer, right?”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
“Life isn’t fair. A fair’s a place where you eat corn dogs and ride the ferris wheel.”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
“Just like there’s always time for pain, there’s always time for healing.”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
“Being pretty isn’t everything but sometimes being ugly is.”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
“Sometimes even stuff you expect to happen can still hurt”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List
10 Famous Quotes by Author Jennifer Brown
10 quotes by Jennifer Brown there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Jennifer Brown quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Jennifer Brown Quote.
One Final Bonus – Jennifer Brown Quote
“I’d spend about an hour, my room darkening around me, wondering what the hell happened to make me so unsure of who I even was. Because who you are is supposed to be the easiest question in the world to answer, right? Only for me it hadn’t been easy for a very long time.”
― Jennifer Brown, Hate List