
John Forrester’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite John Forrester Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers John Forrester’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. John Forrester quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing John Forrester’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“illuminated the canopy trees in a blaze of blinding”
― John Forrester, Fire Mage

 “spilling from his eyes. Cassis screamed, panting, and flapped her fingers wildly, like she was trying to cool down. Her face glowed red like molten embers. “Water…water,” she gasped, and glanced around. The scintillating luminescence of fire raged inside her body. Talis shielded his eyes from the intensity of light pouring from her body. Another sorcerer flew to them, as if drawn by the attack, and scowled at Talis. Cassis lifted her hands at the sorcerer, as if in a grave struggle against the hand of death itself. The sorcerer curled his fingers, aiming at him, and prepared to strike. “No, Cassis, stop!” Rikar ran in a hobble towards her, and in a brief glance at his face, Talis could see love and fury and a terrific sadness. Despite the shouts of warning, Cassis released an enormous fireball at the enemy, vaporizing him in an instant. But she couldn’t contain the power. It burned too strong inside. The light rose to a frenzied brilliance as many apprentices around her started running away. Her neck dropped. Her flaming, brilliant body exploded in a powerful wave, burning chunks of fire and flesh searing everywhere around her. Those fleeing nearby were cut down by the blast. Some were knocked against the stone walls. Some were blasted over the edge and plummeted helplessly to the ground far below. The ones refusing to leave her side were incinerated where they stood. Talis felt his stomach twist and flip around, and he vomited, coughing, choking on his own bile. Gasping for air, for life, he tried to expel the image from his mind. A primal fear burrowed its way inside. What had just happened? Was this the terror of magic? He still felt the fire burning inside his body. Why would he risk his life and the lives of his friends? The power roared so strong. Could he ever learn to contain it? Or would he find a fate like that of Cassis? Rikar balled up his fists and pounded the ground, sobbing. Nikulo came over and tried to comfort him, but Rikar just pulled away and curled up. A lightning bolt shattered a nearby tower, jolting them to attention.”
― John Forrester, Fire Mage

“The Captain wouldn’t know donkeys from trained baboons. How can a sailor know of good breeding?” She narrowed her eyes and studied them again as if discovering something new this time. “But, then again, their posture is exceptional. They stare at me as if I were beneath them. But they’re filthy and smell like pigs. They need cleaning up, that’s for certain. A hot bath and scrubbed several times. Fresh clothes and clean hair… perhaps they might shape up into something presentable. You there.” She pointed at Rikar. “You look greatly displeased. Where are you from? Tell me your story.” Rikar raised his haughty eyes to the woman. “Who rules this place? We’re no slaves.“ The soldier cuffed Rikar. “Answer the lady!” “None of that violence is needed. Get out of here, I can handle them. Go on, now.” She shooed the soldier away and turned back to Rikar as if measuring his worth. “A young prince? The lot of you from royalty… I can see it in your eyes. The arrogance and the irritation. No slave would ever dare hold such feelings. What are you doing here in”
― John Forrester, Fire Mage

 “Talis searched the swamplands for prey, feeling like this hunt was a terrible idea. He wiped his brow and sighed. Visibility was poor because of the thick mist that choked the air. He glanced at Mara, his best friend. Why did she always refuse to give up? They’d been at it all day and it was getting dark. But he admired that about her. She was determined and strong- willed. It had been her idea to sneak off and go hunting by themselves, without the rangers for support. But her mother was going to kill them if she found out.”
― John Forrester, Fire Mage

 “crack of lightning and the explosion of thunder struck the guardhouse, igniting a blaze that sent soldiers scurrying down. More bolts sizzled ahead on the wall, sending up clouds of smoke and rock dust. When the dust had cleared, Talis could see a chunk of wall at the top had been blasted away. Quickening their pace, they soon reached the damaged section. The air smelled like smoke from a hot fire and sparks from a grinding wheel. But to his relief, he”
― John Forrester, Fire Mage

 “CONTENTS FIRE MAGE 1. The Hunt 2. A Feather for a Friend 3. A Demon’s Eyes 4. The Order of the Dawn 5. The Blood Dagger 6. The Ancient Struggle 7. Jiserian Invasion 8. The Surineda Map 9. The Sej Elders 10. The Fire Sword 11. The Nalgoran Desert 12. The Northlands 13. Assault in the Forest 14. The Inn at Blansko 15. The Edge of the Storm 16. Ashtera Summons the Darkness 17. Aurellia 18. Intrigue in Khael 19. Passage to Lorello”
― John Forrester, Fire Mage

“inched his way down. Soon he too was swinging at the bottom of the rope, clumsily, twisting and banging against the wall. He let go and Talis heard a heavy thud as he smacked onto the ground. Talis and Rikar didn’t have any trouble getting down to the ledge. Nikulo had his back pressed hard against the wall, as if afraid of falling off the ledge. The storm settled”
― John Forrester, Fire Mage

 “Rikar turned and glowered at Nikulo, clenching his fists until they were red. “All this time… all this way getting here. Aurellia promised me that Zagros would listen.” “And you believed him? Fool.” Nikulo scoffed like Rikar was the stupidest person on earth. Rikar stretched out his hand and streams”
― John Forrester, Sun Mage

“3. The Hidden Arena 4. Evening Prayers 5. Breaking Away 6. The Descent of Shadows 7. The Devil’s Spine 8. The Graveyard of Kirthgar 9. The Power of the Heart 10. Into the Night 11. The Unsteady Hand 12. The Depths of Darkov 13. The Underworld”
― John Forrester, Fire Mage

“Talis was thirteen now and though he’d asked many times had been spurned by every hunting trip his father’s men had pursued. How was he supposed to impress his father if he was spurned at every hunt? Talis”
― John Forrester, Fire Mage

10 Famous Quotes by Author John Forrester

10 quotes by John Forrester there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest John Forrester quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best John Forrester Quote. 

One Final Bonus – John Forrester Quote 

“protests. A wound like that was incredibly dangerous. If he didn’t get her to a healer soon, he knew Mara would die. If anything happened to her, he’d never forgive himself. After a long while, he was too tired to carry her, so he rested for a bit, his breath heaving and stiff arms and legs protesting. Even though it was almost dark, Talis could see that Mara’s face looked white as chalk. He had to keep going, no matter what, no matter how much his legs and back burned from carrying her. By the time he spotted the City of Naru from afar, moonlight sent long, wiry shadows across the hillside leading up to the towering stone walls. He told himself he could do it. No matter how hard it was to continue carrying her, he was determined to bring her home alive. Lights flickered from countless braziers mounted hundreds of feet high on the upper part of the city. Naru stood ominous under the garish light of the four moon sisters and as the evening gong sounded from atop a watchtower, Talis knew he had made it. He stumbled toward the main gates, barely able to stand. A group of soldiers making their rounds noticed and ran over to help. “Young Master Talis, what’s wrong?” said Baratis, the captain of the guard. His eyes blazed in fear at the sight of Mara. “Is she alive?” “I can’t talk now… open the gates… she’s hurt!” “Carem and Jorem! Help them,” Baratis shouted. “You! Ride and fetch a healer. Have them run straightaway to House Lei. Now go!” Two soldiers lifted Mara from Talis’ arms and carried her while another raced atop a horse into the city. Massive steel shafts stared down at them from inside the stone walls as they jogged past. If they weren’t quick about it, she would die. Ahead, Talis could see a soldier speed off on horseback. He prayed that the healer would arrive in time. He ran ahead, urging them to run faster. Past the gate was the Arena of the Sej Elders, formed of gigantic white granite blocks, rising over everything in the lower part of the city. Stone towers lined the wide avenue leading up to the arena. They had to move faster. The soldiers’ boots clapped against the cobblestone streets as they marched past the arena, finally winding up and around until they reached the gates of the upper city. Up the snaking rise, they charged past merchant shops and eyes that gawked at the soldiers carrying Mara. They continued on to the highest part of the city, beneath the Temple of the Goddess Nestria, the Goddess of the Sky. To Mara’s house, the House of Viceroy Lei and Lady Malvia, daughter of the king and second in line to the throne. They were going to be furious; Talis knew he was in serious trouble for going with Mara out on the hunt. But he couldn’t think of that, all that mattered was Mara’s life. As the soldiers carried her into the white marble mansion, Talis worried her wounds were too grave to cure. Today was the worst day and he blamed himself. Why hadn’t he stopped Mara from going after the boar? He could have scared it off. She would have been angry at him, but at least she wouldn’t be injured. Two servants ran up and gasped when they noticed Mara. They quickly helped her inside, shouting for help.”

― John Forrester, Fire Mage

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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