
John P. Marquand’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite John P. Marquand Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers John P. Marquand’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. John P. Marquand quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing John P. Marquand’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“It’s so much easier when one faces facts, but then all life is largely based on an avoidance of fact, and I admit I try to avoid them. I”
― John P. Marquand, Point of No Return

 “He knew the symptoms well enough. First there was a period of general uneasiness about nothing in particular, and then a growing illusion of being hemmed in, followed by a desire to escape, and finally an indescribable sense of loneliness mingled with a sort of deep self-pity which he particularly hated. He wished he had not mentioned Jessica Lovell, as she was always a part of the shadows which surrounded him suddenly and swiftly when he was in that mood. The only thing to do was to tell himself to behave, that he would be better in a little while. It was also time to consider the dangers of inheritance, and to remember his father.”
― John P. Marquand, Point of No Return

“Materialism has made you worship Mammon and in this material world everything comes too easily. Heat comes too easily and cold. Money comes too easily. Don’t forget that it will go as easily as well. We have all grown soft from this ease. Position changes easily. Values shift elusively. When everything is totalled up we have evolved a fine variety of flushing toilets but not a very good world.”
― John P. Marquand, The Late George Apley

 “You must learn to spend your money wisely…The main thing is not to have too much money to spend. This I have always found bewildering and a sure pathway to extravagance and foolishness. You only need to look about you among the unhappy members of the sporting set to see what happens when there is too much loose money in the bank.”
― John P. Marquand, The Late George Apley

 “Most people in the world don’t know who the Apleys are and they don’t give a damn. I don’t intend this as rudeness, but as a sort of comfort. I know it has been a comfort to me sometimes. Just remember that most people don’t give a damn. When you remember it, you won’t feel the necessity of taking the Apleys so seriously.”
― John P. Marquand, The Late George Apley

 “If George Apley failed to meet certain challenges, let us admit that we all have failed in some respects, and let us remember that we stand together peculiarly as one large family. Collectively, in habits and ideals, our group is a family group where kinship, however distant, stretches into the oddest corners.”
― John P. Marquand, The Late George Apley

“Nothing which is worth while is easy, nor in my experience is the actual doing of it particularly pleasant. The pleasure arises from completion and from the knowledge that one has done the right thing and has stood by one’s convictions.”
― John P. Marquand, The Late George Apley

 “There can be no compromise between wrong and right. Germany is wrong and the Allies are right. The devastations of Belgium and the atrocities of the invading horde of barbarians are an outrage to civilized mankind.”
― John P. Marquand, The Late George Apley

“Some day you will know that there is a beauty of the soul that is more important than worldly beauty. Remember this when you see worldly beauty.”
― John P. Marquand, The Late George Apley

“Distrust the book which reads too easily because such writing appeals more to the senses than to the intellect. Hard reading exercises the mind.”
― John P. Marquand, The Late George Apley

10 Famous Quotes by Author John P. Marquand

10 quotes by John P. Marquand there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest John P. Marquand quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best John P. Marquand Quote. 

One Final Bonus – John P. Marquand Quote 

“The mood is on me to-night only becuase I have listened to several hours of intelligent conversation and I am not a very brilliant person. Sometimes here on Pequod Island and back again on Beacon Street, I have the most curious delusion that our world may be a little narrow. I cannot avoid the impression that something has gone out of it (what, I do not know), and that our little world moves in an orbit of its own, a gain one of those confounded circles, or possibly an ellipse. Do you suppose that it moves without any relation to anything else? That it is broken off from some greater planet like the moon? We talk of life, we talk of art, but do we actually know anything about either? Have any of us really lived? Sometimes I am not entirely sure; sometimes I am afraid that we are all amazing people, placed in an ancestral mould. There is no spring, there is no force. Of course you know better than this, you who plunge every day in the operating room of the Massachusetts General, into life itself. Come up here and tell me I am wrong.”

― John P. Marquand, The Late George Apley

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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