As Australians, we’re used to thinking of our head of state as the Queen in London. Since her recent passing, Australians believe it’s time to change that. This article touches on why Australia should become a republic. Read on to find out more.
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Has Australia Outgrown the British Monarchy?
The United Kingdom is no longer the only power in the world, and in fact, it’s not even one of the top ten largest economies on earth.
And despite its Commonwealth links to 53 countries across every continent, Australia is now a sovereign nation with its own currency and military.
As well as this, Australia has been politically independent of Britain since 1901, when it became a self-governing British dominion.
The two countries joined forces during both world wars but have been growing apart politically and culturally ever since then.
Why Push for a Republic Now?
The Queen has recently passed, and as a result, there is a natural transition into power for Prince Charles III, who will become the king and head of state.
As history remembers, in 1953, Queen Elizabeth, visited Australia for the first time. The Queen has always been treated with the utmost respect and deference.
The Royal Family are not Australian citizens either (and they were never required to be). This means they can’t vote or hold public office here.
The Queen also has no responsibility for foreign policy, which falls under Australian control via our elected government. So why does Australia still have a monarchy? It seems pretty redundant now that we don’t need someone else making decisions for us.
She only acted as an overseer in Australian political matters, and she was directly involved with politics and day to day running of the country.
Thus there was a post in the government that created the Governor-General to act on behalf of the Queen in such matters.
How Does Australia Become a Republic?
After the Queen’s reign, we would become a republic. The process of becoming one is that:
- A referendum is held on whether Australia should become a republic. The majority of people vote for it.
- The Prime Minister calls for a constitutional convention to recommend how the head of state should be chosen and what powers they should have.
- The Constitutional Convention recommends a model (e.g., a parliamentary president).
- A referendum is held on this model, and if it passes into law, we will be officially known as “the Republic of Australia.”
The Current Monarchy System of Governance
First, Australia’s a democratic country, meaning Australians can elect our government and vote for who they want to represent at home and abroad.
Second, Australia is not a colony of Britain anymore. Their laws are made by the Australian Parliament, and their Prime Minister leads the nation with his or her own ministers and departments.
In this way, Australia is more like the United States than Canada or New Zealand in terms of being an independent country with its own culture, history, and identity, but without a head of state who isn’t born here or lives here full-time as Americans have.
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It is Time Australia Became a Republic
Australia is an independent, modern and mature democracy. It’s time for Australia to be its own country, and it’s time for the Australian people to stand up and have a say in who they are as a nation.
Australia has earned self-government. We have our own identity, culture, and way of life, and we should be able to determine how we want to live it.
The time has come for us Australians to take control of our future to determine what type of country we want Australia to be going forward into the 21st century and beyond.
How Australians Would Vote In Case of a Referendum.
If Australians were to vote now, it would be a landslide in favor of independence. There is no denying that Australia’s relationship with Britain has changed drastically over the past two decades.
Many people would feel a strong urge toward becoming a republic due to decades of influence by the British monarch on Australian society.
But many people still feel allegiance toward their former nation-state. Especially older generations remember the days fondly when both countries shared a much closer bond than today (the Queen’s reign is considered unique).
Suppose Australia was to become independent from Britain. In that case, however, this could cause tension between these two groups, particularly considering how close their identities are tied together through shared history and culture (e.g., sporting events like Wimbledon or cricket matches).
What Does an Australian Republic Look Like?
You might wonder what the difference between a monarchy and a republic is. Well, there are two main differences:
The first is that in a monarchy, the head of state is usually appointed by birthright (i.e., they inherit their position). In a republic, it’s elected by the people.
The second is that in a monarchy, the head of state has minimal powers, whereas, in most modern democracies like Australia, they have many more rights and responsibilities.
For example, a monarch cannot veto legislation passed through Parliament because this would undermine democracy.
However, an Australian president can veto legislation passed through Parliament if he/she believes it will cause harm to society at large or infringe upon individual rights under certain conditions – more on this later.
Who Would be the Head of State?
The first thing you’ll need to know is that the president will be elected by the people. Though not a member of Parliament, he’ll still have plenty of power. After all, they will be Australia’s head of state and commander-in-chief of our armed forces.
The second thing is that there are many different ways in which we could elect this president: by direct election, through Parliament, or as part of a two-man ticket (that’s how it works in America).
If we were to go this route, one possibility is for the prime minister to serve as president for both reasons listed above (head of state and commander-in-chief).
Alternatively, an independent candidate from outside politics could run for election and serve alongside their politician partner as vice president.
Another option would see each state having its own governor general who oversees local affairs within their respective states but report directly back to Canberra.
On matters concerning both national defense matters between states like border control or criminal activity; or even something like natural disasters affecting multiple regions (e.g., floods).
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Australia’s Allegiance to the UK.
The shadow of the British monarchy still looms large over Australia. In fact, Australia has a long history of being a more loyal member of the Commonwealth than any other country in the world. So why should that change?
The current Australian republican debate focuses on whether Australia should sever its ties with Britain or remain loyal allies.
This is an important question, but it tends to only be requested by Australians who already believe there should be a change in their constitutional system.
Those who think that Australia should become independent from Britain for good. Others argue that whatever happens, Australia will always be “British,” so why bother changing things?
While some people are comfortable with this dual identity – being both “Australian” and “British,” others feel very strongly that their loyalty belongs solely to their homeland rather than to an overseas power that has no bearing on their lives today.
Australia is prepared to stand on its own. They have a strong economy and good healthcare and education systems, and they have a proud cultural identity of their own that is rich and diverse.
Australians want to see their country take on the responsibility of being an independent nation with its own head of state.
The time has come for Australia to make the bold decision to break ties with the United Kingdom once and for all by becoming a republic.
Read More: Australia Republic Review Pros And Cons