
5 Movies Like Labyrinth of Lies To Watch

Best Movies Like Labyrinth of Lies

Here is our list of Movies like Labyrinth of Lies that we are sure you will enjoy. A narrative that details the cover-up of Nazi war crimes during World War II by eminent German institutions and government agencies.

Labyrinth of Lies Related Movies List

The Conference

Year: 2022


The Wannsee Conference, also known as the Wannsee Meeting, took place on January 20, 1942, in a villa in Berlin-Wannsee. It was at this meeting that the systematic murder of 11 million Jews was decided.

The Book Thief

Year: 2013

Director: Brian Percival

Young Liesel, who is experiencing the horrors of World War II in Germany, finds comfort in stealing books and lending them to others. A Jewish refugee is being guarded by her adoptive parents in the basement of her house.

The Eichmann Show

Year: 2015

Director: Paul Andrew Williams

Dramatization of the group attempting to broadcast Adolf Eichmann’s trial, a notorious Nazi infamous for the murder of millions of Jews. It centers on producer Milton Fruchtman and documentary filmmaker Leo Hurwitz.

13 Minutes

Year: 2015

Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel

Georg Elser is detained after his failed attempt to kill Adolf Hitler in November 1939. He remembers the events that led up to his plot and the motivations behind his decision to take such drastic action while he is imprisoned.

The People Vs. Fritz Bauer

Year: 2015

Director: Lars Kraume

the life of the man who successfully prosecuted high-ranking German Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann.

The Best Movies Like Labyrinth of Lies

I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Labyrinth of Lies, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Labyrinth of Lies.

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Dave P
Dave P
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