
Mowanjum Festival

Mowanjum Festival Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre

Australia is a land of great beauty and amazing landscapes. The Australians are hardworking and dedicated people who leave no stone unturned in reaching the standards of perfection in order to make their country a strong and a developed nation. This country is not only modern and urban, but is also very much connected to its roots which depict the great culture and heritage of the country. A number of events and festivals are celebrated in the country that is totally dedicated as to the indulgence in the history and culture of Australia. One such festival celebrated in the country is the Mowanjum Festival.

The Mowanjum Festival of Australia has attracted the attention of a number of people including the natives as well as the outsiders and tourists, who are now visiting the country just to experience the thrill and fun of this festival. Every year, this festival is celebrated with great zeal and joy where a number of people gather on one platform to enjoy the raw beauty of the culture of the country, especially of the different tribes who participate into it.

Held in:

The Mowanjum Festival takes place in the Western Australia and is hosted by the Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre. This place is located about 10 kms away from Derby as well as 3 kms on the Gibb River Rd turn off.


The Mowanjum Festival of Australia is celebrated in the month of July every year. However, the dates of the festival keep on changing.

In the amazing Mowanjum festival, you get to experience and encounter the exquisite and the unique art and culture of Ngarinyin, Eunumbal and Worrorra locals of the Western Kimberley. This celebration is in the form of a one day and a one night event. This is one amazing family-friendly celebration which features some exquisite performances of over a hundred Indigenous dance-performers, didgeridoo workshops, boab tree nut carving as well as some magnificent coroborrees.


Australia encounters a major celebration of the Mowanjum Festival. People from Australia as well as other corners of the world visit the Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre to take a look at the grand celebrations. The celebration is celebrated in the form of an event. There are several workshops that are organized prior to the celebration of this festival. People start practicing for their dance performances which is the major attraction of this festival. The Mowanjum Festival in Australia is certainly one of the reasons of the increased tourism in the country.

Major Highlights:

  • The major highlight of this festival is the Aboriginal dancers who gather in this festival from all around the Kimberley. Together they represent their amazing traditional as well as cultural events. You will get to hear all the cultural corroborees and songs of various rural regions of Australia.
  • This festival also teaches the people about the Junba culture, its songs as well as dances. Junba are nothing but the corroborees that narrate the stories in relation to the cultures of Australia like Worrorra, Ngarinyin and Wunambal. The dance performances by the artists are simply phenomenal

See This: Top 10 Reasons to Visit The City of Festivals Brisbane in 2020

Mowanjum Festival 2016:

The Mowanjum Festival 2016 will be held and celebrated on the 7th of July, 2016.

Explore other opportunities to get the most out of your Australian Adventure:Harmony Day – World’s Indigenous Peoples

See This: The World’s Biggest Music Festivals

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.



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