Australia is one of the finest and most developed nations in the world. The development of Australia began by the way of the dedication of several people who shaped this country into a perfectly democratic nation. The Museum of Australian Democracy at the Old Parliament House, Canberra is considered as the very first and the only museum that depicts to the citizens of Australia as well as the outsiders the story of the Australian democracy. Here you will get acquainted with the real-life stories of the ordinary residents of Australia who fought actively of all the odds only to shape the society of Australia into what it is today. These stories depicted by the Museum of Australian Democracy surely serve as an inspiration to all of us.
Where is the Museum of Australian Democracy Located?
The Museum of Australian Democracy is located at the Old Parliament House at Canberra. It is at the base of the Capital Hill at the very centre of the Parliamentary Triangle. The Old Parliament House served as the seat of the Parliament of Australia from 1927 to 1988. Later, on the 2nd of May, 2008, it was made into an Executive Agency of the Department of the PM and Cabinet. Finally, on the 9th of May, 2009, this Executive Agency was renamed as the Museum of Australian Democracy at the Old Parliament House. This building has been designed by Mr. John Smith Murdoch along with a team of assistants of the Department of Works and Railways.
The Vision and The Role: –
The Museum of Australian Democracy is one living museum of all the social and political history of Australia. It aids the people towards the understanding of the political and social history of Australia by the way of interpretation of the past and present. The Museum of Australian Democracy brings alive the importance of Parliament in the lives of its citizens and also provides for various educational programs to the public along with another service that helps to enhance the experience of visitors at the Museum of Australian Democracy.
The Museum of Australian Democracy: It’s Time to Learn About The Democracy of Australia: –
At the Museum of Australian Democracy, you will get to enjoy and explore the innovative tours, exhibitions and public programs that inspire the people to learn about the fine democracy of the country. Special activities for children are also entertained. Further two beautiful cafes will make your trip to this museum even more memorable. Visit now!
Consider a Visit to Australian Parliament House it’s nearby and will be easy to fit into your schedule.
Also See : Interesting and Unique Facts About Australian Aboriginals