
R.K. Jones – Applied Stoicism Practical Self Help

Take Back Control of Your Chaotic Mind

When you hear the word stoicism, you probably think of ancient Romans sitting all, day drinking wine and discussing philosophical matters. But as the name of this book implies, stoicism is not all about theory, or at least, this book isn’t.

This book is going to prove that philosophy doesn’t have to be a theoretical practice. If we could borrow some philosophical ideas but somehow find a way to implement them into our lives, we would be able to build an advanced toolset that would make our lives more manageable, to say at least.

R.K. Jones Stoicism in the Modern World

From Marcus Aurelius to Seneca, we are going to take a look at some timeless lessons and devise ways to convert knowledge into applicable techniques. This book is going to take you step by step through a process that is going to explain what stoicism is, how it came to be and why it should matter to you, as well as, present exercises and practices that will improve the general quality of your life.

When our way of thinking changes, we can change. Applied Stoicism is going to put your mind under the microscope and practically challenge it. Once you know there is a better way to frame your problems, you will become unstoppable and unbeatable.

Also See: Practical Guide to Understanding Yourself

Clam in the Face of Madness

Isn’t that what we all want? To succeed in our own goals and ways and to become free. In order to get there, we need to overcome our mental barriers and fight for a better life, predominantly with our own selves.

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Applied Stoicism is going to provide you with the best weapons to win that fight. Let this book be the guide to a new way of thinking, built upon timeless and invaluable advice that has withstood the test of time, and convert that knowledge into practical steps that you can follow today to ensure a winning tomorrow.

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Aki Zhang
Aki Zhang
Dare to dream, then run towards it.


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