
Short Review of 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

Live your Life in the way Jordan Peterson’s book Intended

12 Rules for Life Review

I like the book’s detailed description of the author about the rules of life and the meaning of life. 

Entire Series: 2017 Personality and Its Transformations Parts 1-22

An excellent self-help book; assimilating the elements from history, religion, science, and philosophy, educating a human being on how to control his passions successfully. The term ‘order’ enunciates the principle of social structures, explored territory, and familiarity. On the one hand, society is a structure; oppression too. The term ‘chaos’ explains when something unexpected happens. One can create chaos when one loses a job or when betrayed by a lover. Thus, order and chaos are the yang and yin of the famous Taoist symbol. Order brings discipline, and chaos may lead to nowhere. Thus Peterson opines to maintain a balance between Yang and Yin, which means to stay on a path of life or a divine way, which is much better. The writer advocates for a firm belief in individual consciousness. With the help of individual consciousness, one may choose the path of development. 

Rule 1 discusses facing the challenges of life with a ‘Stand up straight with your shoulders back. High serotonin/ low octopamine defines the victor. Hence, to achieve something, one must adopt a confident posture. A confident stance is essential. The brain keeps a track record of everything which we experience in life. It is a master control system. It brings and suggests changes in human life and thus affects every aspect of the being. The writer means having a balance in life by self-controlling the habits. A self-controlled life helps function the brain effectively and not only the brain but the whole biological system. Thus maintaining a balance helps a human being to not go into depression. The actual test of life is in accepting challenges in life with a brace and confident approach. 

Rule 2: To drive the vehicle of individual life, one must act seriously to control chaos and believe in order. By balancing chaos and order with the help of consciousness, one may avoid the uncertainty of all kinds. No amount of outside aid would make things better unless an individual takes care of themself. 

Rule 3: The individual must make friends who want the things to become better or best in their life, or inspire an individual to move upward and forward in life. The individual must wish to have strength, humility, and courage. The individual must refrain from friends who show compassion and pity. 

Rule 4: one must compare himself with his previous status and not with someone else in the present time. When one determines to make their life better, the mind presents with new information lying dormant in mind to help the individual in their pursuit. One more important aspect one needs to focus on is physical and psychological surroundings. One must keep asking oneself: What could I do, that I would do, to make life slightly better? 

Rule 5: The writer explains parents must act as proxies for the real world. Further, the burden lies with a parent to prepare the child to be accepted as socially desirable.

Rule 6: The most crucial aspect of human life is that individuals must be at peace with themselves. This way, they can bring peace to the household. 

Rule 7: Sharing in life teaches a child to trade because without this; one cannot make friends. A person cannot be raised by bread alone; a certain amount of moral values is necessary for an individual’s meaningful and positive role in life. A practical approach helps in becoming productive for the individual himself as well as for society. 

Rule 8: Aim, ambition is necessary for action. Aim inspires an individual to plan for the future. One must be truthful in their approach. One must not feel shy or fear speaking the truth. Thus, living alone makes one competent enough to be happy and content. 

Rule 9: Writer opines to use ‘memory’ as a tool to figure out and delete bad happenings—further, a suggestion for readers to be good listeners without judging the speaker. 

Rule 10: Precision in speech is necessary to control chaos in individual life. 

Rule 11: Competence is a determinant of status and not power. The writer suggests not to remain dependent. 

Rule 12: Conservation of energy and strength is necessary to remain functional. 

Also See: Review Living with the Himalayan Masters: Swami Rama

Entire Series: 2017 Personality and Its Transformations Parts 1-22

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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