Most Important Five C’s Of Social Commerce
With every passing day, social media continues to be a more powerful tool for connecting people, sharing stories, and facilitating conversations. It’s like the world just keeps getting smaller at a faster rate. As a result, the very nature and need of man to buy things, sell products, and carry out transactions are made easier to do.
Now, transactions over the internet have become the order of the day, and the integration of eCommerce and social media has given birth to social commerce. Social commerce, then, involves buying, shopping, and selling via social media channels. Many companies such as Amazon are starting to invest in social commerce and use it to extend their reach, which is part of the reason why you can always find all kinds of Amazon deals on social media. They’re using the platforms to reach more people, and being quite successful at it.
Social commerce has become a growing trend, is driven by certain factors, referred to as the “Five C’s”. They include content, community, commerce, context, and connection.
Social commerce leverages on the basic need of business to engage with its customers, prospects, and stakeholders. In doing so, it delivers high quality and tailored content through social channels to each group. The purpose of this is to pique its interest and deliver the great user experience.
There is that inner desire in each customer to feel being a part of something big. Social commerce makes this possible because businesses are able to use social media platforms to create a community of users. Each user has their own voice and is able to share their own unique story with others.
Social commerce allows brands to meet customers’ needs via transactional web presence such as online retailers, banks, insurance companies, travel sales sites, and so on. No longer do customers have to worry about visiting individual websites to get their transactions done. All of their needs are met right there on social media channels.
Hardly is there a better channel through which people are able to follow real-world events like social media. All events are delivered live and with diverse perspectives, giving context to the events all at once. For instance, as soon as a promo or deal is on, it’s already viral on social media.
Social commerce connects businesses to businesses, businesses to customers and customers to customers. By doing so, the strengths and scope of relationships are increased.
Main Image Source : Pixabay
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