
The Importance Of Vitamin D During The Cold Months

Why You Need More Vitamin D In The Winter

A vital essential in our diet, vitamin D is even more critical during the winter months, when sunlight exposure is reduced. It is necessary for bone health as well as for a variety of other functions, which we will discuss more below. Furthermore, it is vital to understand that vitamin D deficiency is a problem that affects people all over the globe.

Fat-soluble vitamins are those that are soluble in lipids but not in water, and are consequently carried mostly via the fat in meals. Vitamin A belongs to this category of vitamins. It is also regarded as a hormone, in addition to being a vitamin, due to the fact that it is mostly acquired via cutaneous synthesis, which is stimulated by sunlight.


Vitamin D provides a wide range of beneficial effects for the body. It has a role in maintaining appropriate calcium levels in the blood and the correct absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus by the body. Additionally, it aids in the preservation of normal bones and teeth, the proper working of muscles, and the functioning of the immune system, among other things. Finally, it is essential for our cells since it plays a role in the process of cell division.

How is it obtained and why is it so important in winter?

This vitamin is found primarily in ergocalciferol (vitamin D 2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D 3), either of which may be obtained from various sources.

Ergocalciferol is a vitamin that cannot be manufactured by humans, although it may be received via fortified foods and supplements and from plants. The second kind of vitamin D is cholecalciferol, which is acquired mostly via the skin’s production in response to UV light and accounts for nearly 90% of total vitamin D in plasma (depending on sun exposure). When 7-dehydrocholesterol is created in the skin, vitamin D 3 is produced. It may also be received from food, animal sources, and supplements if necessary. Vitamin D 3 is essential for bone health.

Because vitamin D is mostly derived through sunlight, it is important to remember to take care of oneself during the winter months. Solar radiation, both in terms of quantity and quality, is much reduced during the winter season. You need around four times the amount of sun exposure time that you would get during the summer to achieve adequate amounts of vitamin D.

Dietary sources of vitamin D

Because of the limited availability of sunlight and the resulting reduced exposure, it is critical to understand the dietary sources of vitamin D. Oily fish and their oils, cow liver, dairy products, and egg yolks are some of the greatest sources of vitamin D available. Some mushrooms contain variable quantities of vitamin D 2, depending on the species. Fortified foods and supplements may be used to satisfy the daily need for this vitamin in persons who, for example, do not get enough sunshine or who have some sort of malabsorption. This helps to prevent potential deficiencies.

And remember!

Keep in mind that, in accordance with the guidelines issued by scientific bodies, you should have a diverse and balanced diet that includes foods from all food categories.

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Fun Fact

Why is vitamin D important in winter?

Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because your body makes it when sunlight hits the skin. During the winter, it’s more important to keep your vitamin D levels up because you are at greater risk for getting sick and tend to spend less time outdoors.

Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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