
Top 5 Best Books like Taking Chances

Taking Chances

Harper, now 18, grew up under the control of her career-minded father, a Marine. She is headed to San Diego State University for college, ready to live life her own way and experience things she has only ever heard about from the jarheads in her father’s unit.

Author: Samantha Towle

Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like Taking Chances that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!

(1) Trouble

The runner is Mia Monroe. Running away from someone that she never wants to see again. She is hiding her past so that no one would ever know it. She is desperate to find the future she had only been able to imagine until recently.

Author: Tracie Douglas


(2) Lost in Silence

She was separated from her friends, family, and the life she had known. In the pitch-black silence that has turned into a nightmare, Alice Michaelson is imprisoned. Up until the night when she escapes after finding her jail door left unlocked.

Author: Tracie Douglas


(3) Shattered Fate

It’s said that until you’re older, you won’t understand love. But at 17, I had more experience with love than I do today. Love shouldn’t make you feel bad. It shouldn’t nearly ruin you. Vows shouldn’t be broken for love.

Author: T.L. Anderson


(4) Jagged Edges

I put up the barriers I did for a reason. Therefore, when Jackson begins dismantling them piece by piece, I become more entwined with him and break my own damn rules.

Author:  T. L. Anderson


(5) Live Me

Evangelina Ricci is imprisoned in a world that is an unending horror, one that absorbs every breath she takes. She does everything she can to regain control after she can no longer handle the suffering.

Author:  Celeste Grande

Best Books to Read Like Taking Chances 

That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find Taking Chances  interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!

Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to Taking Chances 

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