Wide-eyed and enthralled, Laurel was gazing at the pallid objects. They were too lovely for words, frighteningly stunning.
Laurel once more looked in the mirror while focusing on the floating petals that were hovering next to her head. They resembled wings in appearance.
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like Wings that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!
Recently, Clara Gardner discovered that she has angelic ancestry. In addition to being superior to humans in terms of intelligence, strength, and speed (a term that, she realizes, no longer applies to her), having angel blood in her means that she has a mission and was placed on this planet for a reason. It’s difficult to determine what that is, though.
Author: Cynthia Hand
(2)The Crown
A new era in the realm of The Selection began with The Heir. America Singer and Prince Maxon fell in love twenty years ago, and now their daughter is the first princess to preside over a Selection on her own.
Author: Kiera Cass
(3)Call to Arms
Watch as Jayne Sparks, a newly transformed elemental fae who is seventeen years old and still has a potty mouth, and her friends—an incubus, a daemon, a green elf, a water sprite, and a pixie—struggle to fit in with the Light Fae community of the Green Forest and get ready for the impending battle against the Dark Fae.
Author: Elle Casey
(4) Of Poseidon 
A Syrena prince named Galen looks for a girl who, according to rumors, can converse with fish on land. Emma meets Galen while she is on holiday at the beach. Galen isn’t completely persuaded that Emma is the person he’s been seeking for, despite the fact that their connection is strong and immediate. Up until a fatal shark attack when Emma and her Gift are shown to be the only thing that might be able to save his kingdom. Regardless of the danger, he needs her assistance.
Author: Anna Banks
(5) Starcrossed 
Helen wakes up thirsty after having nightmares of a difficult desert expedition, only to find her blankets stained with filth and dust. She experiences visions of three women crying bloody tears while she is in school. And when Helen and Lucas first meet, she has no way of knowing they will play the main characters in a tragedy that the Fates keep repeating throughout history.
Author: Josephine Angelini
Best Books to Read Like Wings
That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find Wings interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!
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