What Year Did Australia Truly Become Independent From Great Britain?
It seems unbelievable, but yes, Australia only became independent thirty-three years ago. Many Australians might think it is absurd, after all, it is an independent country, or not?
The Australian nation became independent at some point after 1931 and had the power to act independently, but for some reason chose not to do so. At that time, the Australian state did not gain independence from Britain. It might sound bizarre that despite being constituent part of an independent nation, Australia remained colonial dependent on the British crown.
For this reason, it means that governours of the Australian state were appointed by the British Queen on the advice of her ministers. Also, the Queen of the United Kingdom gave her Royal assent to state bills.
Australia was under the impression that it was a way of doing things in Britain, to submit requirements for state matters to the British ministers who then pass them on to the Queen. However, British ministers took their roles in the advisement of the Queen seriously and didn’t bother her with matters that they deemed unimportant.
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Australian Real Independence day
This became clear on two occasions, once when a Tasmanian premier wanted to become a governor and proposed it to the British government only to be told it is not possible and at another time in 1975, when a term of the Queensland governor needed to be extended and the ministers refused to pass the information on to the Queen.
This was when Australian premiers decided it was time to cut the apron strings. When more bills were refused by the British ministers, the Australian government were too embarrassed to let the citizens know about the truth of the circumstances that they wanted to pass bills but simply could not because they had no power.
Debates over Brexit have been “dominated by a yearning for restoring UK sovereignty”. The Brexit vote in June 2016 was declared as an independence day by key members of the Leave campaign. Similarly, such sentiments have been used about the exit day on which the UK is to leave the EU under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act
Independence is often perceived as one decisive moment – a clean break with the past and a new beginning. However, this article posits that independence might be better thought of as a gradual process, characterized by both change and continuity. Taking the example of the development of Australia’s foreign policy post-federation, the article showcases that de jure sovereignty does not automatically or immediately result in de facto autonomy.
Before commencing, it is important to note the context of Australia’s independence as a former British colony is a very different political, economic and legal analysis to that of Britain and the EU. However, the Australian example helps illustrate how a country with newly offered legislative/political independence (which Britain looks to attain soon) might seek autonomy through a gradual rather than instantaneous process.
Only on March 3, 1986, did the Australian Act come into force. It was legislation passed by the British parliaments, the commonwealth and the state. This legislation stated that the Westminster parliament cannot legislate for Australia and that the British government is not responsible for any Australian state.
What is most important is that Britain transferred full control of the Australian constitutional documents. Therefore, is March 3, 1986, Australian Independence Day.
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When did Australia become completely independent nation?
Australia became a nation on 1 January 1901, when the British Parliament passed legislation enabling the six Australian colonies to collectively govern in their own right as the Commonwealth of Australia. It was a remarkable political accomplishment that had taken many years and several referenda to achieve.
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so therefore Australia is not independent and is owned and run by USA power and control particularly finance and defense
The above entry is incorrect. On 1 January 1901, the various Australian colonies were united into one colony THE COLONY OF AUSTRALIA when the British Parliament passed legislation enabling the six Australian colonies to collectively govern in their own right. This colonial status was transferred into the Commonweath of Australia on 9 January 1921, when King George V – as a thankyou gesture for support from the Empire in World War 1 – granted independence simultaneously to the colonies of Canada, Newfoundland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand.