Red Fox
An unnamed Navajo couple is being tortured in the forgotten village of Red Fox by unidentified objects for unidentified reasons. Wild animals prowl through their home at night, stones regularly pelt their roof, and mutilated sheep carcasses are appearing on their property.
In an effort to give credence to their stumbling webcast, Perry and Dex journey to the remote location with only a camera and the bare minimum of information.
Author: Karina Halle
Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like Red Fox that will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!
In the dim halls of the castle, they talk about him in whispers. While everyone dreads his diabolical tongue, they all yearn for his fiery touch.
I succumb to the jester’s enchantment with every enticing temptation. He generates a fire inside of me that I’ve never known with each prohibited time.
Author: Natalia Jaster
(2)Bone Island
You donned your friend’s boots, which still had sleet from the forest in the grooves, and those torn black pants. Because you were still developing yourself, much like one of your pictures, you moved uncomfortably in your new attire.
Author: Nicole Fiorina
(3)Of Flesh & Bone
Emma feels like a ghost in her own body since she has been robbed of her memories. She has little memories, but she does recall that something happened to her in Arnsmouth. Anything that had occurred to her had been awful. She is drawn to a nightclub called The Flesh & Bone because she is desperate to find out the truth, despite the fact that she is aware that going there could put her in danger of dying.
Author: Kathryn Ann Kingsley
(4) A Queen Of Broken Realms
Although Lu made a vow to herself that she would never return to the Shadow Realm, fate has other ideas. Ashen gave up his throne to create Lu the Queen of the Reapers, and she now has the power to reshape the demonic world and restore merciful justice to a place where violence lurks in the dusk fog and souls suffer in endless slavery. However, not everyone is happy about the new change in leadership to a vampire queen, and Lu isn’t either because of the suffering and trauma of her previous trip to the Shadow Realm.
Author: Brynne Weaver
(5) The Unbound Witch
A saddened Raven must deal with the sorrow and guilt of turning into a murderer after finally ending the Dark King’s alleged reign of terror. If Kirsi hadn’t been going through her own existential crisis while learning to be a wraith, she might have been able to offer some support. They discover themselves stranded in the human lands alongside Grey, the cousin of the Dark King, and a fresh group of outcasts who are frantically trying to find a route home.
Author: Miranda Lyn
Best Books to Read Like Red Fox
That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find Red Fox interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!
Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to Red Fox
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