
When is World Poetry Day and What Theme

World Poetry Day

UNESCO declared March 21 as World Poetry Day in 1999. It’s an invitation to consider the power of words and our ability to develop our creative capabilities fully. This day was also designed to promote poetry produced in endangered languages worldwide to encourage linguistic variety. UNESCO designated March 21 as World Poetry Day at its 30th General Conference in Paris in 1999 to promote linguistic variety via poetic expression and enhance endangered languages’ visibility.

On 21st March we will celebrate World Poetry Day. In 1999, World Poetry Day was created to promote poetry. We celebrate World Poetry Day every year to recognize the unique ability to make poetry and to encourage those who are creative.

World Poetry Day aims to entitle poets, revive oral poetry recital traditions, encourage poetry reading, writing, and teaching, stimulate the confluence of poetry with other arts like theatre, dance, music, and painting, and increase poetry’s presence in the media. Everyone is welcome to participate as poetry keeps bringing people together across countries.


Poetry is a lovely way of expressing yourself. The abstraction of poetry evokes various feelings and emotions like no other genre of writing. Poetry is thought to have first appeared with the “Epic of Gilgamesh” around 2000 B.C., although it is likely that poetry existed long before literacy spread.

Various poetry styles have been popular at different ages and have experienced changes. However, the primary objective of poetry, through sonnets to rap lyrics, has remained the same: to examine the human condition & inspire emotion via words. Poetry resonates with humanity’s existential challenges, eliciting deep-seated concepts.

Poetry employs rhythms and images to provoke emotion and the reader’s imagination. Poetry can rhyme by alternating between short and long syllable rhythms. However, some poetry referred to as ‘free verse’ does not use rhyme or meters. Instead, poems are divided into stanzas similar to paragraphs and can be as long as 12 lines. Do you have any idea? Poet wrote the earliest known poetry in Babylon 4,000 years ago. Haikus, limericks, sonnets, & ballads are just a few of the many forms of poems accessible today.

How To Celebrate The Birthday?

Every year on March 21, many people worldwide commemorate World Poetry Day. The day is promoted and participated in by government organizations, educators, community groups, and people. Children can be introduced to poetry in their schools on World Poetry Day. It’s a time when poetry courses abound in classrooms, with students examining poets and learning about various styles of poetry.

At book stores, cafés, colleges, and schools, poets may be asked to read and discuss their work with audiences. In addition, poets & their work are honoured with awards and other types of recognition. Finally, on or around March 21, to celebrate World Poetry Day, people will stage exhibitions and poetry events to celebrate the work of various poets.

Because poetry is a nearly global art form, this day provides students with a unique opportunity to interact with languages, cultures, and worldviews they have never encountered before. Therefore, look for a broad poetry collection to pique students’ interest in today’s topic. They might be authored by authors of many races, gender and sexual identities, talents, and neurodiversity from any region, period, or culture.

You might also look at other types of poetry, such as Japanese Haiku or Arabic Ruba’i. See what is a haiku here. Please encourage students to consider the contrasts between poems, what they could reveal about the situations in which they were written, and look for commonalities. Use a variety of subjects, from lighthearted to severe, political, and personal. It is a day to celebrate the fantastic variety of human experiences.

All Events: 2022 Events Calendar

Fun Fact:

To whom was the 2021 World Poetry Day dedicated?

The 2021 World Poetry Day was dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of great Macedonian poet Blaze Koneski.

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