
Why We Should Listen To Avi Yemini

Who is This Avi Yemini? What Makes Him Famous?

Before we answer this big, maybe even controversial, question, we must first meet Avi Yemini. So, for those of you that don’t know who he is, here’s a little introduction.

Avraham Shalom Yemini (born Avrohom Sholom Waks) is a 35-year-old right-wing political activist and commentator. Avi is also an internet personality and has his own YouTube channel which you can check out here. He appeared on many Australian television shows too. In 2018, Yemini joined the Australian Liberty Alliance.

He’s born and lives in Melbourne, Australia, but he has Israeli citizenship as well because his family is Jewish. While at it, here’s a fun fact about his family: Avi is actually one of 17 children – imagine that! However, his childhood was pretty rough. He grew up in foster care and children crisis homes, struggling with drugs in his teenage years. Finally, as an adult, Yemini moved to Israel, his origin, and became a sharpshooter in the Israeli Defence Force. He served from 2005 to 2008. After his duty ended, Avi returned to Australia and started his new career, or better yet, his “movement”. That is where this story really begins.

What Does Yemini Have To Say And What Does He Stand For?

First of all, Avi stands for Jewish rights. We’ll show you a list of some of the most important things he did for the Jewish community in Australia.

  1. He’s the founder of Israeli Defence Force, a line of training gyms in Victoria (2009). These gyms teach Krav Maga, self-defence techniques and martial arts used by the actual Israeli Defence Force.
  2. Yemini also founded “J-Safe” (2016), a Jewish community group, as a result of several home invasions in Caulfield.
  3. In 2017, he raised more than 140.000 dollars for the Hakin family, that is a victim of a horrific terror attack in Melbourne city. Namely, a violent criminal, out on bail, drove his car into the crowds of pedestrians in the city centre. He killed four people, one of whom was little Thalia Hakin, a 10-year old girl. Her mother and sister were injured and hospitalised. Avi immediately stepped in and helped more than anyone else.
  4. He ran a campaign in favour of a synagogue. The building of a Jewish church was declined by the council due to fear that it would be a target for Islamic terrorism. Despite that, Yemini chose freedom over fear. Hence, the church was built.
  5. Avi created an online petition in favour of legalisation of pepper spray. Pepper spray was an illegal weapon in most Australian states. Still, Yemini managed to legalise it as the most effective self-defence, non-lethal tool. Therefore, people can protect themselves against criminals and maybe even save their lives.

These are just a few things Avi Yemini did for the good of the people. And even though he often receives a lot of criticism from all sides, including the Jewish community, for being too radical and controversial, he continues his mission. Working independently through social networks, he is the voice of all those in need, even those who reject him. Everyone who wants to listen will hear his message – help and protect the less fortunate, and fight for equal rights.

P.S. If you think Avi Yemini is controversial and radical, please read our article[p1]  on Premier Andrews and his intention to enforce a 12-month extended state of emergency.

 [p1]Link to “Daniel Andrews – a Year-long State of Emergency”

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


  1. Probably should also mention he’s plead guilty to assaulting his wife with a chopping board, and spreads misinformation across the internet in order to scam money from his followers.


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