
World Meteorological Day Theme

World Meteorological Day

World Meteorological Day is celebrated on 23 March every year. The World Meteorological Organization was founded on 23 March 1950. This organization announces a slogan for World Meteorology Day, observed in all member nations. On 23 March 1950, the World Meteorological Institution (WMO), a United Nations organization, was established to replace the International Meteorological Organization. As a result, this year‘s World Meteorological Day is themed ‘Early Warning and Early Action’, which highlights the need for accurate Hydrometeorological and Climate Information to help reduce disaster risk.

It was founded in 1951 to help member countries coordinate their efforts in meteorology, operational hydrology, and Earth sciences to ensure the safety of their citizens. Do you have any idea? On 23 March 1961, the inaugural World Meteorological Day was held. The World Meteorological Organization contributes to people’s safety and well-being. As a result, its efforts are critical in ensuring food security, water resources, and transportation.


On 23 March, Every year, the World Meteorological Organization came into effect, marking the beginning of World Meteorological Day. This celebration marks an essential role of national meteorological services in society for the safety and well-being of the whole world. The World Meteorological Day theme depicts current weather, climate, and water challenges.

The day commemorates the founding of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which now has 193 member nations and territories. The International Meteorological Organization (IMO), whose concept dates back to the Vienna International Meteorological Congress of 1873, gave birth to the organization. Following the passage of the WMO convention in 1950. The organization was founded as a specialized agency of the United Nations. The World Meteorological Organization’s headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.


The ocean, which covers 70% of the Earth’s surface, significantly influences weather and climate change. The ocean is also a critical economic force, transporting more than 90% of global trade and maintaining the 40% of humanity that lives within 100 kilometres of the shore. For this reason, researchers at the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services monitor the ocean and how it changes, simulate how it impacts the atmosphere, and provide a wide range of marine services, including assisting coastal management and safety at sea. In addition, climate change’s expanding effects make ocean observations, research, and services more important than ever.

Do you know? The theme for World Meteorological Day is “The Ocean, Our Climate & Weather.” It honours the World Meteorological Organization’s efforts to link the ocean, climate, and weather systems within the Earth System. In addition, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) is also the UN Decade for Sustainable Development. The Decade unites efforts to collect ocean research as the foundation of knowledge to assist sustainable development, using creative and disruptive concepts.

In addition, WMO works to improve awareness of the inextricable relationship between ocean, climate, and weather as the United Nations specialised agency for climate, weather, and water. It aids us in comprehending the world in which we live, including the effects of climate change, and assisting members in strengthening their abilities to protect lives and property, reduce catastrophe risk, and sustain viable economies.

The United Nations

WMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations with 193 member states. Its origins may be traced back to the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), which was established in 1873 to allow the exchange of meteorological data across national boundaries. The World Meteorological Organization was founded in 1950 and became a United Nations specialized agency in 1951.

Since its inception, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has performed a unique and significant role in ensuring humanity’s safety and well-being. Hydrological & meteorological services have been able to work more closely together due to this agreement. In addition, we cannot overlook that the organization, via its Programs, plays a crucial role in international efforts to monitor and preserve the environment.

All Events: 2022 Events Calendar

Fun Fact:

What is the main aim of World Metrological Day 2022?

World Metrological Day 2022 aims to raise awareness regarding Hydrometrological & Climate Information for Risk Reduction.

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Dave P
Dave P
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