World Telecommunication & Information Society Day
Since 1969, World Telecommunication & Information Society Day has been celebrated on 17th May to celebrate the creation of the International Telecommunication Union and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865. It was established as Resolution 46 by the Plenipotentiary Conference in Malaga-Torremolinos in 1973.
Theme: “Digital technologies for older persons and healthy ageing”.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, information and communication technologies (ICTs) were critical in ensuring society’s continued functioning and reducing inequities between and within nations. The epidemic has also emphasized the importance of speeding up digital transformation and promoting the Connect 2030 Agenda’s goals and targets to ensure no one is left behind.
The long name for this day marks the merger of two nearly-identical official days in 2006 by the United Nations. One of the two days, World Telecommunication Day, was celebrated every May 17 since 1969. It marked the founding of the International Telecommunication Union on May 17, 1865.
The second day merged into this day was World Information Society Day was also celebrated on May 17 since its inception in 2006. Its purpose was to focus on the importance of many issues in the area of information and communication technologies.
Do you know? The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) was founded on 17th May 1865. World Telecommunication Day was initially observed on 17th May 1969. The day is recognized to celebrate the creation of the International Telecommunication Union and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865. In 1973, the Plenipotentiary Conference in Malaga-Torremolinos established it. The World Summit on the Information Society went to United Nations General Assembly to launch 17th May as World Information Society Day in November 2005. The General Assembly decided in March 2006 that World Information Society Day will be observed every year on 17th May.
The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya, Turkey, in November 2006 voted to recognize the World Telecommunication & Information Society Day on 17th May. The Council chose the subject every year and celebrated it by exchanging ideas and strategies for improving communication. We can’t deny that modernity has brought people closer together through telephones, radios, and computers. It is critical for advancing any subject that knowledge travels throughout the world. As a result, World Telecommunication and Knowledge Society Day are devoted to the progress of communication and the spread of information throughout the globe.
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
The COVID-19 problem has brought to light the crucial significance of Information And Communication Technology (ICT) in society’s continuing functioning and the striking digital inequities between and within nations. Members of the ITU have stepped up and participated in activities that have shown to be crucial in saving lives and maintaining economies. Moreover, they have demonstrated extraordinary resiliency in the face of adversity. The goal of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) is to promote awareness about the benefits that using the Internet and other ICT may have on society and economies and measures to close the digital divide.
At the same time, the COVID-19 epidemic has emphasized the importance of speeding up digital transformation and promoting the Connect 2030 Agenda’s goals and targets to ensure that no one is left behind. WTISD 2021 allows ITU members to continue pushing for digital transformation by encouraging national ICT development strategies sensible policies to boost investments, collaboration, and partnership. Throughout the year, ITU welcomes you to actively engage in honoring WTISD 2021’s topic, “Accelerating Digital Transformation in Challenging Times,” through national, regional, and worldwide efforts to accelerate digital transformation.
All Events: 2022 Events Calendar
Fun Fact
World Telecommunication & Information Society Day Was Earlier called?
World Telecommunication & Information Society Day was called “World Telecommunication Day.”