Best Movies Like Borrego
Here is our list of Movies like Borrego that we are sure you will enjoy. In Borrego, a young botanist relocates to a tiny town in the desert to research an invasive plant species. After his ultralight plane crashes in the desert, she is abducted by an inexperienced drug mule, and she must fight for her life.
Borrego Related Movies List
6 Underground
Year: 2019
Director: Michael Bay
Six people, each the best in the world at what they do, have been selected not only for their talent but also for a singular desire to erase their pasts in order to change the future.
The Old Guard
Year: 2020
Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood
Just as an unexpected new member is found, a covert group of immortal mercenaries is suddenly revealed and must now fight to maintain their secrecy.
White Elephant
Year: 2022
Director: Jesse V. Johnson
When forced to work for the mob, an ex-marine enforcer must struggle with his morals and sense of honor.
Brut Force
Year: 2022
Director: Eve Symington
Sloane Sawyer, a recently fired reporter, reluctantly goes back to her small-town in rural California to look into complaints of local vineyard workers being harassed. She uncovers a complex web of corruption and crime hidden beneath the picturesque exterior of wine country.
Wrong Place
Year: 2022
Director: Mike Burns
Before he can provide eyewitness testimony against his family, a methamphetamine cook tracks down the former Police chief of a small town in an effort to silence him. However, he ends up facing more challenges than he anticipated.
The Best Movies Like Borrego
I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Borrego, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Borrego.
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