Best Movies Like Field of Dreams
Here is our list of Movies like Field of Dreams that we are sure you will enjoy. “If you build it, he will come.” He interprets this message as an instruction to build a baseball field on his farm, upon which appear the ghosts of Shoeless Joe Jackson and the other seven Chicago White Sox players banned from the game for throwing the 1919 World Series. When the voices continue, Ray seeks out a reclusive author to help him understand the meaning of the messages and the purpose for his field.
Field of Dreams Related Movies List
For Love Of The Game
Year: 1999
Director: Sam Raimi
A Detroit pitcher Billy Chapel, reflects on his life in major league baseball, after he finds out his girlfriend moves to London for a job. Thus forcing the ball player to analyze his life and how his career as a player, and his life without her will change, thus altering his priorities between his career winding to a close, choosing what his path will be, the love of baseball or the love of his life?
Bull Durham
Year: 1988
Director: Ron Shelton
t’s the start of the minor league baseball season, and Annie Savoy, for who baseball is *the* religion, is going through the annual process of choosing the one player on her home team of the Durham Bulls of the Carolina League, he who she will take under her wings, sexual and otherwise, solely for the season, and who has always gone on to have his best year as a player. She has narrowed her choice to two recent acquires: Ebby Calvin LaLoosh, the wild neophyte pitcher with a wicked fastball – the pitch on which he solely relies – but can’t aim, the more he thinks about it, the more erratic the pitch gets, while he doesn’t appreciate anyone criticizing him or it in believing he knows best in his lack of self-awareness; and catcher Crash Davis, the veteran who has been around the minor leagues for twelve years and who was brought in solely to harness and reign in Ebby’s power.
Fever Pitch
Year: 2005
Director: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
When relaxed and charming Ben Wrightman meets workaholic Lindsey Meeks she finds him sweet and charming, they hit it off and when it is winter Ben can spend every waking hour with Lindsey, but when summer comes around the corner Lindsey discovers Ben’s obsession with the Boston Red Sox. She thinks it is perfect until everything goes downhill for them.
Year: 2011
Director: Bennett Miller
Oakland A’s GM Billy Beane is handicapped with the lowest salary constraint in baseball. If he ever wants to win the World Series, Billy must find a competitive advantage. Billy is about to turn baseball on its ear when he uses statistical data to analyze and place value on the players he picks for the team.
Eight Men Out
Year: 1988
Director: John Sayles
A semi-fictionalized account of the scandal surrounding the 1919 World Series, coined the Black Sox Scandal, is presented. The Chicago White Sox, considered the cream of the crop and one of the best major league teams ever, has just won the American League pennant, and are odds on favorites to win the World Series against the Reds.
The Best Movies Like Field of Dreams
I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Field of Dreams, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Field of Dreams .
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