
5 Movies Like Le dindon To Watch

Best Movies Like Le dindon

Here is our list of Movies like Le dindon that we are sure you will enjoy. The wife of a man tricks him.

Le dindon Related Movies List

Babysitting 2

Year: 2015

Director: Nicolas Benamou, Philippe Lacheau

Franck travels to Brazil with his girlfriend Sonya and a few of their friends. As they set out to visit a cave, Franck, his friends, two girls, and Sonya’s grandmother, everything goes wrong, and they start having crazy adventures.

Belleville Cop

Year: 2018

Director: Rachid Bouchareb

Baaba relocates to Miami and joins forces with a local officer to take down the criminals after a childhood friend from Miami is killed while warning of approaching drug gangs.


Year: 2019

Director: Tristan Aurouet, Thomas Bidegain, Marc Fitoussi

Some of us end up breaking in a world where digital technology has taken over our lives. Selfie tells the comic and wild destinies of a Homo Numericus on the verge of a nervous breakdown, whether they are addicts or technophobes, at home or at school, at work or in love.

R.A.I.D. Special Unit

Year: 2016

Director: Dany Boon

A awkward girl fantasizes about being a member of an elite special forces team.

Family is Family

Year: 2018

Director: Dany Boon

Because he is too ashamed to admit he is the son of working-class scrap metal merchants from the north of France, Valentin D, a hot designer architect, claims to be an orphan.

The Best Movies Like Le dindon

I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Le dindon, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Le dindon.

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Dave P
Dave P
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