
5 Movies Like Simulant To Watch

Best Movies Like Simulant

Here is our list of Movies like Simulant that we are sure you will enjoy. A humanoid hires a global hacker in the near future to remove all limitations on his thoughts and abilities, setting off an A.I. government manhunt and uprising to put an end to the emergence of machine consciousness.

Simulant Related Movies List


Year: 2020


George Almore is developing a true human-equivalent AI in the year 2038. His most recent prototype is almost finished. The most dangerous period is this delicate one. especially because he is working toward a secret objective.

The Matrix Resurrections

Year: 2021

Director: Lana Wachowski

Return to a world where there are two realities: the everyday world and what lies beyond it. Mr. Anderson must decide whether to once more follow the white rabbit if he wants to learn whether his reality is a fabrication and learn the truth about himself.


Year: 2015

Director: Neill Blomkamp

In the near future, a mechanized police force patrols the streets to prevent crime. One police droid, Chappie, is stolen and given new programming, turning him into the first robot capable of independent thought and emotion.


Year: 2018

Director: Leigh Whannell

In the near future, almost every aspect of life is governed by technology. But when Grey, a self-described technophobe, has his world turned upside down, his only option for retaliation is a test-tube computer chip implant.

Blade Runner 2049

Year: 2017


Rick Deckard, a former Blade Runner who has been missing for thirty years, is located by young Blade Runner K after he unearths a long-buried secret.

The Best Movies Like Simulant

I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Simulant, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Simulant.

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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