
5 TV Shows Like Euphoria to Watch

5 TV Shows Like Euphoria to Watch

Best TV Shows Like Euphoria


Here is our list of TV Shows like Euphoria that we are sure you will enjoy. About Euphoria Students at a high school deal with issues of drugs, sex and violence. A series about two young girls trying to find their place in the world: recovering addict Rue and newcomer Jules.


Euphoria Related TV Shows List



Year: (2007 – 2013)

Creator: Bryan Elsley

The first two series follow a group of British teens trying to grow up and discover love and life with very little adult supervision (and lots of partying).

Grand Army

Year: (2020 – On going)

Creator: Katie Cappiello

A drama series focuses on five high school students as they face sexual, racial, and economic politics and struggle to succeed and become someone.


Year: (2018 – 2020)

Creator: Marco Raspanti

A coming-of-age story that examines the unseen lives of Roman high schoolers. The series is loosely based on a true story about a group of Parioli teenagers who challenge society in search of identity and freedom

Skam Spain

Year: (2018 – 2020)

Creator: Irene Ferreiro

In SKAM ESPA*A, we portray the generation of boys and girls born since 2000. Their doubts, problems, feelings, what they think, what they want, and, most importantly, what they don’t say and what they are ashamed of.

We Children from Bahnhof Zoo

Year: (2021 – On going)

Creator: Philipp Kadelbach

Modern and contemporary, the series is inspired by Christiane F.’s gripping memoirs, about six young people who fight vehemently and uncompromisingly for their dreams of happiness.

The Best TV Shows Like Euphoria


I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Euphoria, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other TV Shows you have enjoyed similar to Euphoria.


More TV Shows: 5 TV Shows Like Episodes to Watch

Max Ignatius Atlas
Max Ignatius Atlas
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