The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect
There are things that are better brand new. As a kid, you would always want to have something new for Christmas or your birthday. Second hand items are not always less better than brand new ones. As the matter of fact, there are things better when you acquired them second hand. A vintage car and an ancestral house are just among the few of them.
The advantages of being happy with second hand is a social behavior that allows a person to be contented with the best that life has to offer. He or she does not require brand new items just to enjoy life. It is a positive behavior, really. Here are some of these advantages:
- People who are happy with second hand tend to value things more. They have this idea that the older the item is, the more valuable it is.
- Among other advantages of being happy with second hand is that people tend to be contended and grateful for what they have.
- They value things according to their purpose. This allows people to maximize the purpose of an item.
- Helping others. Buying second hand items allows you to help other people such as merchants who sell them.
- Caring for the planet. It is better to reuse those second hand items and put them into value that to toss them into garbage. Reusing and recycling are good ways to take care of the planet. It lessens the chance of manufacturing more and more items which saves more energy, fuel and natural resources for the planet.
The advantages of being a happy with second hand and the fulfillment in life
Some people don’t care if they got their items in second hand. Some of them are actually happier with second hand items because of the thought that they have acquired a very valuable possession. Here are some thoughts of second hand items:
- They have been tested through time and got higher value.
- They are proven to be more durable.
- They are way cheaper than brand new ones.
- They are unique than mass produced items in the department stores.
- Offer quality at affordable price sometimes even free
Advantages Of Being A Happy With Second Hand
Items that you should buy second hand
- Leather items. Leather goods are more beautiful when they are used and old. The contours and edges are more polished, making them look more vintage.
Vintage cars.
- They are of higher market value than brand new ones, especially when they have been used by celebrities and other famous personalities.
Gold jewelry.
They have higher value, especially when they are vintage.
- Second hand furniture have been tested when it comes to durability. They also have the vintage effect that make them look more elegant and vintage.
- You don’t have to invest a huge amount of money for books. There are second hand and traded books in stores – you just have to be patient looking for your favorite title and author. Besides, books have the same thought and message, whether they are old or new.
Sports equipment.
- Ski, hiking, hokey, and other sports equipment don’t have to be brand new. You can find high quality items in second hand stores.
Garden and mechanical tools.
- They are more durable when they come in second hand.
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