
Alan Gratz’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Alan Gratz Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Alan Gratz, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Alan Gratz you will find my Ten favourites of Alan Gratz’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“You can live as a ghost, waiting for death to come, or you can dance.”
― Alan Gratz, Refugee

 “If I had known what the next six years of my life were going to be like, I would have eaten more. I wouldn’t have complained about brushing my teeth, or taking a bath, or going to bed at eight o’clock every night. I would have played more. Laughed more. I would have hugged my parents and told them I loved them. But I was ten years old, and I had no idea of the nightmare that was to come. None of us did.”
― Alan Gratz, Prisoner B-3087

“All my life, I kept waiting for things to get better. For the bright promise of mañana. But a funny thing happened while I was waiting for the world to change, Chabele: It didn’t. Because I didn’t change it.”
― Alan Gratz, Refugee

 “If no one saw them, no one could help them. And maybe the world needed to see what was really happening here.”
― Alan Gratz, Refugee

 “Your parents, Oskar and Mina. They are dead and gone now, Yanek, and we would grieve them if we could. But we have only one purpose now: survive. Survive at all costs, Yanek. We cannot let these monsters tear us from the pages of the world.”
― Alan Gratz, Prisoner B-3087

 “I shook with helplessness and rage, but also with fear. This was what fighting back earned you. More abuse. More death. Half a dozen Jews would be murdered today because one man refused to die without a fight. To fight back was to die quickly and to take others with you.

This was why prisoners went meekly to their deaths. I had been so resolved to fight back, but I knew then that I wouldn’t. To suffer quietly hurt only you. To suffer loudly, violently, angrily–to fight back–was to bring hurt and pain and death to others.”
― Alan Gratz, Prisoner B-3087

“Life is but a river. It has no beginning, no middle, no end. All we are, all we are worth, is what we do while we float upon it — how we treat our fellow man.”
― Alan Gratz, Prisoner B-3087

 “It was all a big joke. I could see that now. There was no rhyme or reason to whether we lived or died. One day it might be the man next to you at roll call who is torn apart by dogs. The next day it might be you who is shot through the head. You could play the game perfectly and still lose, so why bother playing at all?”
― Alan Gratz, Prisoner B-3087

“Head down, hoodie up, eyes on the ground. Be unimportant. Blend in.
That was how you avoided the bullies.”
― Alan Gratz, Refugee

“And that was the real truth of it, wasn’t it? Whether you were visible or invisible, it was all about how other people reacted to you. Good and bad things happened either way. If you were invisible, bad people couldn’t hurt you, that was true. But the good people couldn’t help you, either. If you stayed invisible here, did everything you were supposed to and never made waves, you would disappear from the eyes and minds of all the good people out there who could help you get your life back. It was better to be visible. To stand up. To stand out.”
― Alan Gratz, Refugee

10 Famous Quotes by Author Alan Gratz

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Alan Gratz, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Alan Gratz.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Alan Gratz. 

One Final Bonus – Alan Gratz Quote 

“But as she watched Lito and Papi lift up Ivan’s body, the empty place inside got bigger and bigger, until she was more empty than full.”

― Alan Gratz, Refugee

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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