
Alina Bronsky’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Alina Bronsky Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Alina Bronsky, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Alina Bronsky you will find my Ten favourites of Alina Bronsky’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“I had tried to teach her that nobody should be able to see when you were scared. That nobody should be able to tell when you were uncertain. That you shouldn’t show it when you loved someone. And that you smiled with particular affection at someone you hated.”
― Alina Bronsky, The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine

 “Watch out for people who feel weak. They may want to feel strong one day and you might not survive that moment.”
― Alina Bronsky, Broken Glass Park

“Learn everything you want to know, and then learn some more. Don’t worry if something doesn’t go well. You are capable of so much.”
― Alina Bronsky, Broken Glass Park

 “Communism, my dear,” I said when I managed to get hold of a bunch of bananas for hers and let them ripen on the windowsill, given her just one each day so they’d last for a while”
― Alina Bronsky, The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine

 “Schreiben heißt, mit Erwartungen zu brechen.”
― Alina Bronsky, Spiegelriss

 “Read everything you can get your hands on.”
― Alina Bronsky, Broken Glass Park

“Ich hätte längst drauf kommen müssen, dass Marja nicht einfach nur faul und schlampig ist. Sondern dass sie faul und schlampig ist, weil sie Depressionen hat. Als ich noch medizinische Hilfsschwester war, hatte niemand Depressionen, und wenn sich einer umbrachte, nannte man ihn geisteskrank, außer es geschah aus Liebe. Später las ich in der Zeitung, dass es neuerdings so etwas wie Depressionen gebe, und bei Irinas letztem Besuch habe ich sie danach gefragt.”
― Alina Bronsky, Baba Dunjas letzte Liebe

 “Einem Kind die Erziehung zu verweigern grenzte in meinen Augen an Misshandlung.”
― Alina Bronsky, The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine

“Bananen sind Spiegelei für die Sinne, sie sind eigentlich zu süß, lassen sich aber gut kauen.”
― Alina Bronsky, Baba Dunjas letzte Liebe

“I read how Aminat had grown up in a Soviet ghetto without a father, just her mother’s ever-changing men. How she had starved and had been beaten for being such a disobedient child. How finally she had been sold to a German pedophile by her grandmother in exchange for him marrying her mother, and how she landed in Germany as a result. I read and read, but there was nothing about me. Typical.”
― Alina Bronsky, The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine

10 Famous Quotes by Author Alina Bronsky

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Alina Bronsky, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Alina Bronsky.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Alina Bronsky. 

One Final Bonus – Alina Bronsky Quote 

“Wie viel einfacher habe ich es mein ganzes Leben lang gehabt. Nie schön gewesen zu sein bedeutet, keine Angst gehabt zu haben, die Schönheit zu verlieren.”

― Alina Bronsky, Baba Dunjas letzte Liebe

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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