
Andrew Peterson’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Andrew Peterson Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Andrew Peterson, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Andrew Peterson you will find my Ten favourites of Andrew Peterson’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“Luck favors the well prepared.”
― Andrew Peterson, Ready to Kill

 “when you forgive someone, it doesn’t diminish or erase what was done to you. You don’t have to understand why they did it, and you certainly don’t have to be on friendly terms with someone who’s hurt you. When you forgive someone, you’re doing it to release their debt to you.” “Debt?” “Yes, you’re moving on with your life and you don’t require anything from the person who hurt you.”
― Andrew Peterson, Contract to Kill

“Right now, the index is fairly low, meaning that the vast majority of Americans don’t feel threatened or fear a terrorist attack is pending. The longer we go without a major terrorist incident, the more secure our citizens feel. We have an expectation of feeling safe in public places,”
― Andrew Peterson, Contract to Kill

 “Closing in on his eighty-sixth year on earth, he’d been a senator for thirty of them and he’d never seen anything like this. Handwritten presidential letters weren’t unheard of, but this one had “destroy after reading” written all over it.”
― Andrew Peterson, Contract to Kill

 “The Wounded Warriors ball cap he wore helped mitigate the grooves on his face. He didn’t think of himself as a wounded warrior per se, but he believed in its trademarked statement: The greatest casualty is being forgotten.”
― Andrew Peterson, Right to Kill

 “All the things you think are important— money, power, material possessions— none of them will make you happy. There’s no correlation between wealth and happiness. Absolutely none. It’s one of society’s biggest lies.”
― Andrew Peterson, Ready to Kill

“True happiness comes from helping others who are less fortunate than you. It comes from doing the right thing. Nothing else works.”
― Andrew Peterson, Ready to Kill

 “Our time on Earth is limited. I’m understanding that now. We can’t change our pasts, but we can guide our futures.”
― Andrew Peterson, First to Kill

“Everyone has tragedy in their life at one time or another, it’s how they deal with it that defines them.”
― Andrew Peterson, First to Kill

“Anger and bitterness are normal feelings, but they’re like cancer if you can’t control them.”
― Andrew Peterson, First to Kill

10 Famous Quotes by Author Andrew Peterson

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Andrew Peterson, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Andrew Peterson.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Andrew Peterson. 

One Final Bonus – Andrew Peterson Quote 

“My personal heroes are not athletes, musicians, or actors. My heroes are our military service members, law enforcement officers, and federal special agents who put their lives on the line to keep America safe from its enemies. I sleep well because they often don’t. My freedom isn’t free; it comes at an extremely high price. I’m a firm believer in the Wounded Warriors Project trademarked statement: “The greatest casualty is being forgotten.” The”

― Andrew Peterson, Right to Kill

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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