
Angela Flournoy’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Angela Flournoy Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Angela Flournoy, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Angela Flournoy you will find my Ten favourites of Angela Flournoy’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“Where do the homeless make toast?”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

 “I don’t just sit around hopin for nothing. I do shit. It’s the ‘hope’ part that fucks that line all up. You should change it to somethin like, ‘We fight for better things,’ or ‘We work for better things.’ Or ‘We plan for better things.’ That’s what’s wrong with this city; it ain’t about the mayor. Too many people busy hoping shit will get better to actually figure out a way to make shit better.”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

“The words settled on her shoulders like a curse, and one thing was clear: there was no one to save her but her.”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

 “The things we do in the name of protecting others are so often attempts to spare some part of ourselves.”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

 “Everybody else cain’t be wrong all the time. Sometimes it’s gotta be you.”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

 “That was how he existed in their lives: suddenly there, on his own time,”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

“A woman without no options is waitin for a man to come by an ruin her.”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

 “Here is the truth about self-discovery: it is never without cost.”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

“Humans haunt more houses than ghosts do.”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

“There ain’t no haints in Detroit.”
― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

10 Famous Quotes by Author Angela Flournoy

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Angela Flournoy, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Angela Flournoy.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Angela Flournoy. 

One Final Bonus – Angela Flournoy Quote 

“Humans haunt more houses than ghosts do. Men and women assign value to brick and mortar, link their identities to mortgages paid on time. On frigid winter nights, young mothers walk their fussy babies from room to room, learning where the rooms catch drafts and where the floorboards creak. In the warm damp of summer, fathers sit on porches, sometimes worried and often tired but comforted by the fact that a roof is up there providing shelter. Children smudge up walls with dirty handprints, find nooks to hide their particular treasure, or hide themselves if need be. We live and die in houses, dream of getting back to houses, take great care in considering who will inherit the houses when we’re gone.”

― Angela Flournoy, The Turner House

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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