
Are Woke Movies Profitable?

The past few years have seen a boom of woke movies: films that are all about raising awareness of social justice issues, often by making fun of the ignorant people who don’t understand them. These movies are gaining popularity for a variety of reasons, one being that they can be profitable. But does this mean it’s worth it for filmmakers to make more woke flicks?

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The Business of Making Woke Movies

The key to making woke movies is not to be too woke. The trick is to marry the two ideas of “woke” and “profit” and then sell it as a package deal. Some people might balk at this idea, but all great art has been born from a synthesis of seemingly disparate elements.

Woke movies can be just as successful as any other kind of film if they have a good story behind them just look at Black Panther, which grossed over $1 billion in ticket sales worldwide. This proves that audiences will flock to see stories involving diverse casts who overcome obstacles together through teamwork, perseverance, and empathy toward one another and these are all values espoused by woke movies throughout history.

Black Panther – A Woke Movie That Made a Lot of Money

Black Panther, which was released in February 2018, was the highest-grossing movie of the year. It made over $1 billion worldwide and became the first superhero movie to be nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. The film focused on a fictional African nation called Wakanda where technology has been developed that allows them to use vibration a metal that can absorb kinetic energy to create powerful weapons.

The movie addresses issues such as racism and also addressing cultural appropriation through Killmonger’s character who wants to overthrow T’Challa so he can rule Wakanda himself and make changes in order to help people around him instead of using them only for their own purposes which would lead many viewers back into thinking about colonialism all over again.

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Why Most Woke Movies Are Set in The Future

The future is an ideal setting for a woke movie because it’s a blank slate. The future lets us imagine how the world could be different, and how we might change as people. We can see ourselves better in this imagined place than we can in the here and now. The future is also an opportunity to take on social issues that have plagued humanity throughout history; if you make your film about something like racism or sexism, it will feel more urgent when it happens 100 years from now instead of right now.

Woke Movies Are Profitable as Long as They Have a Good Story

Are woke movies profitable? The answer depends on whether they have a good story or not. Woke movies that are set in the future or past are not profitable because people don’t want to watch them.

Woke movies that take place in another world are also not profitable because people don’t want to watch them either. If you want your woke movie to be profitable, it should take place in this world somewhere around here and now.

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The takeaway here is that woke movies don’t have to be profitable. But if you want to make one and make money, then it should focus on being good and not just woke.

Also see: Are Woke Companies Losing Money?

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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