
Australian Border Controls: Do They Discriminate?

Does Discrimination happen in Australian Border Controls?

Australian Border Controls – The international community and some locals have criticized the call by Tony Abbott for Europe should use Australia’s “stop the boats” methodology when handling asylum seekers crossing the Mediterranean.

Australian Border Controls

In efforts to manage border controls, Australia has designed several approaches. These include: setting up remote island detention centres, deploying the navy to tow back boats and offering fresh lifeboats for the voyage back to foreign water.

Many have referred to these to be inhumane but how does the system really operate? Is it fair to say the Australian border controls are discriminatory?

Mr. Abbott took over leadership in 2013 and since then, he has helped Australia lower the immigrants’ population. He has adopted measures that have reduced the earlier record of at least one boat per day.

The implication of this is that more people languish. Nauru and Papa New Guinea plays host to most of these refugees. The former is a poverty-stricken country battling against violence and diseases.

The secretive approaches taken by Mr.Abbott are motivated by his sentiments that Australia faces a war-like situation. He says that he needs to assist prevent information from going to people smugglers.

No More Media Statements

The government stopped issuing media statements every time a boat arrives. It also shuts down any attempts to discuss steps taken to tow back the boats to foreign waters. But towards the end of last year, the government started to issue information saying its efforts are successful at reducing boat arrival.

While issuing one such statement, Mr.Abbott said that they have no intention of beginning a public discussion. He said that the point is to stop the boats.

Are the Australia Border Controls Discriminatory?

Critics have not been reluctant to accuse Mr.Abbott. They have termed his measures to be a breach of international law and discriminatory. But he is always ready to defend himself, saying it is the most effective way to stop more boat arrival.

The international community has maintained that the offshore detention camps are in poor conditions. They have stated that Australia goes against the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention.

The United Nations issued a report of children detained in Manus Island. This is a violation of human rights, even as the country indefinitely detains asylum seekers.

A Look into the Past

The tough response taken by Australia is a sharp contrast to the 1970s situation. Back then, Canberra allowed thousands of people fleeing the Vietnam War by boats.

The late Malcolm Fraser, a conservative prime minister, had termed the policies to be cruel and tyrannical. During his reign, he let in 2,059 Indo-Chinese boat people to join the 200,000 refugees who were settled in Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia between 1976 and 1982.

Recent years have seen more asylum seekers come in from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran through Indonesia.

Immigration – Australian Border Controls

Australia has demonstrated common sense, and have reduced the deaths at sea via a controlled immigration policy. Should other world leaders adopt a stance of offshore relocation, they ensure genuine refugees are given safety while discouraging economic migrants that have plagued Europe. If the Western world adopts Australia’s straight-shooting approach it will ensure the neediest are taken in while the criminals, lows lives and vagabonds, are seen off before setting foot in sovereign nations.

Also see:

Immigration – 2017 Make or Break for the EU

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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Dave P
Dave P
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