
Australian Citizenship Day 

Citizenship Day 

Australian Citizenship Day is celebrated every year on September 17th. Australian Citizenship Day is a chance for all Australian citizens to reflect on the significance and value of their citizenship, whether by birth or choice. It is organised by the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). The day is used to reflect on what unites all Australians, celebrate Australia’s democratic traditions, and honour the role that citizens play in developing the country.

Citizenship in Australia is more than a legal status. Our standard connection symbolises our shared democratic principles and gives us a sense of belonging and pride in our national accomplishments. By enhancing their local community, active individuals help strengthen Australia. Citizenship Day in Australia is a day dedicated to honouring the efforts of outstanding citizens in our society. Citizenship is a privilege, not a right, to possess. All Australians are urged to join our newest citizens in committing to Australia and beginning their Australian journey on Australian Citizenship Day.


In response to the Australian Citizenship Council’s proposal in their 2000 report Australian Citizenship for a New Century.Do you know? the Australian Government established Australian Citizenship Day in 2001. The suggestion stemmed from a proposal made by the National Schools Constitutional Convention in 1999 to establish a citizenship day to allow all Australians to commemorate their citizenship. According to the Australian Citizenship Council, an annual citizenship day would raise community awareness of citizenship while also serving as a potential focal point for citizenship-related events and celebrations. September 17th has been designated as Australian Citizenship Day because it marks the potential anniversary of the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948, potentially being renamed the Australian Citizenship Act 1948 in 1973.

The inaugural Australian Citizenship Day was held in 2001 to commemorate the Federation’s centennial. The Department of Immigration & Border Protection (DIBP) was the Australian Government’s department of immigration, citizenship, and border security (including visa issuance). Its functions have since been absorbed under the Department of Home Affairs, including several other ministries. Secretary Michael Pezzullo was the final head of the department, reporting to the Hon Peter Dutton MP and the Hon Alex Hawke MP, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.

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The DIBP has promoted Australian Citizenship Day since 2001 by organising special citizenship ceremonies, affirmation ceremonies, and other activities around the country. On or around this day, local government authorities are urged to perform exceptional citizenship and affirmation ceremonies. Thousands of individuals become Australian citizens each year at special Citizenship Day ceremonies held around the country. Special events and activities are also encouraged to be organised by schools, organisations, and community groups. For example, on Australian Citizenship Day, many schools in Australia celebrate the theory that pupils have learned in civics and citizenship classes.

For example, they organise an Australian citizenship affirmation ceremony or cooperate with local authorities to attend or host an Australian citizenship ceremony. The Australian citizenship affirmation is a brief statement that allows Australian citizens to express their pride in their country publicly. The affirmation is based on new citizens’ pledges of commitment at their citizenship ceremony in Australia. It permits nationals born in Australia to make the same civic commitment. In Australia’s culturally varied culture, citizenship serves as a uniting symbol. The affirmation is a way for you to communicate that togetherness.

Fun Fact

Who is responsible for giving Australian Citizenship?

The Department of Immigration & Border Protection is responsible for giving Australian Citizenship

Dave P
Dave P
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