
Brian D. Anderson’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Brian D. Anderson Quotes 

Brian D. Anderson, a writer whom I am guessing you love? Here are our 10 best Brian D. Anderson quotes for you to enjoy. At Australia Unwrapped we believe every book has at least one quotable line, and our mission is to find them all. Here you will find Brian D. Anderson’s top 10 popular and famous quotes. Like every good writer Brian D. Anderson made a number of memorable quotes, here are some of our favourites: 

Popular Quotes

“You cannot be betrayed by your enemies, only your friends.”
― Brian D. Anderson, Of Gods and Elves

 “fear is much like love. It can consume you if you are not cautious. But if you use it, rather than allowing it to use you, it can give you strength when you need it the most.”
― Brian D. Anderson, The Reborn King

“As your friend, I would tell you to look to those who love you. They will bolster your strength.”
― Brian D. Anderson, Madness of the Fallen

 “A man need not assert that he is a man. Only a child would do so.”
― Brian D. Anderson, The Shadow of Gods

 “The dwarf seated at the head of the table was clad in a black shirt and vest with a gold robe wrapped around his broad shoulders. A thin circlet of silver with a single ruby set in the center rested atop his weathered brow. His black beard was striped with the grey of many years, and his eyes were deeply set and impossible to read. This”
― Brian D. Anderson, Dragonvein

 “I have a confession to make,” she said. “I did poison you. But it wasn’t in the bottle, it was on it. You were done the moment you took the wrapping off and touched it.”
― Brian D. Anderson, Dragonvein

“Once a man starts down the path of self-loathing, the world around him changes. Its injustices reinforce the very thing that eats away at his heart until he can no longer see that good still exists.” “Even”
― Brian D. Anderson, Dragonvein

 “As long as we can still draw breath, there’s hope,”
― Brian D. Anderson, Dragonvein

“farm while you go adventuring?”
― Brian D. Anderson, The Reborn King

“But that’s how trust is built. One step at a time. And the first step is often the most difficult”
― Brian D. Anderson, Dragonvein

10 Famous Quotes by Author Brian D. Anderson

Quotes for all, here you found our selection of 10 Brian D. Anderson quotes. Make sure you help by commenting your best Brian D. Anderson quote below and sharing our favourite authors so we can look them up, read some of their works and give you the best quotes we can find. We hope you enjoyed our top 10 quotes by Brian D. Anderson. However, feel free to comment below if you disagree or would like to include some other great and memorable Brian D. Anderson quotes in our list. 

One Final Bonus – Brian D. Anderson Quote 

“To bring about the end of the world with love and good intent is no better than ending it with fire.”
― Brian D. Anderson, A Trial of Souls

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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