
Pregnant: Can Dye Her Hair, It Is Bad?

Research shows that it is safe for a woman to color or dye her hair while pregnant. However, most of this research is limited. Some studies have found that high doses in hair dyes can cause harm during pregnancy. Nonetheless, compared with the relatively low doses of chemicals a pregnant woman may be exposed to when dying their hair, the said doses are massive.

Most women who dye their hair will either apply a few highlights or a totally different shade from their original hair color. Although pregnancy and hair dyeing aren’t normally thought to go well together, advances in the beauty industry have simplified the way women can change their look during pregnancy.

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Pregnancy and Hair Dyeing

The potentially harmful connection between pregnancy and hair dyeing is caused by hair dyeing itself. A full dye routine involves contact between the hair dye and the skin, which was perceived to have the tendency to cause harm to the fetus, especially in the first trimester. However, most research has shown that the chemicals contained both in permanent and semi-permanent dyes aren’t overly toxic and can be used safely during pregnancy. The small traces of dye that may be absorbed by the scalp are usually retained by the skin, which in turn minimizes the possibility of the dye reaching the fetus.

Furthermore, there are other skin treatment therapies that you should be concerned about other than hair dyeing, more so in pregnancy cases. Dyeing is just one of the many chemical beauty therapies women use on their hair which may affect pregnancy.

For instance, hydrogen peroxide is used in hair bleaching and may be used alongside other hair colors. Relaxers are also another culprit. They consist of Eye, or sodium hydroxide, and no-eye, which is also known as potassium, lithium, or guanidine hydroxide solutions.

It is also worth noting that hair structure itself may change due to pregnancy. This causes chemical treatments to become ineffective and fail to deliver their desired results.

Moreover, chemical hair therapies such as dyeing, coloring, or bleaching hair increase the possibility of toxic chemicals entering the mothers bloodstream and reaching the fetus. You should therefore consult your ob-gym before using chemical on the hair during pregnancy.

The majority of women report that their hair is shiner, thicker, and increases growth. This is usually due to extra production of folic acid. However, other women experience the opposite. If a woman isn’t getting sufficient prenatal minerals and vitamins during pregnancy, hair can become dry, brittle, and it may break easily.

Adding hair dye or other chemicals to already deteriorating hair can cause hair damage. The dye may also not spread evenly as is the case with healthy hair.

Depending on the choice of treatment you plan to use, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Nonetheless, there are a number of ways you can minimize chemical exposure during pregnancy.

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Ways to Reduce Chemical Exposure as A Result of Hair Dyeing During Pregnancy

The precautions you should take when applying hair dye while not pregnant are more or less the same precautions you should take when applying hair dye while pregnant. However, when it comes to pregnancy, you should take the precautions more seriously for obvious reasons.

You should also ensure you dye your hair in a well ventilated area to minimize breathing in chemical fumes. You should also be keen not to leave the chemical longer than the time indicated on the packaging so as not to cause corrosion on the scalp or to damage hair. You should also make it a point to wear gloves when applying the treatment and rinse the dye thoroughly after completing the process.

Moreover, you can conduct a patch test first so as to prevent or minimize any negative effects from the hair dye that could harm either you or your baby.

Furthermore, sometimes the hormonal changes caused during pregnancy can affect the way a woman reacts to chemicals during pregnancy. It is also advisable to wait until the second trimester when things settle down before dyeing your hair.

You should also never dye your eyebrows whether pregnant or otherwise. This is because it may lead to swelling in the eye area, which can in turn cause blindness.

This is why many professional colorists don’t dye eyebrows to begin with.

Instead of dyeing eyebrows, consider getting highlights in your hair as opposed to fully dyeing it. This ensures that although the strands are color coated, the chemical treatment doesn’t make direct contact with the scalp. Moreover, you can incorporate highlights or lowlights in your existing color to make up for the color variation between the roots and ends. You can also use an ombre color. In this case, a lighter dye is applied towards the bottom half of the hair, which in turn gradually blends with your natural color which is preceded by a lighter one beneath it.

Another option for a subtle color are natural dyes such as henna. For redheads, the dark auburn appearance that henna produces may be appealing. However, you should ensure you read the labels when choosing the type of henna you want to use. Since some formulas have chemicals added, you should look for pure henna variations. Before proceeding, complete a patch skin test before applying the henna on your hair. If the test turns black, this shows the presence of chemicals and you should avoid using it.

Furthermore, if you give birth to a child with conditions such as G6DP deficiency, hyperbilirubinemia, anemia, or any blood or immune system-related disorder, then avoid using henna to dye your hair.

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Although pregnancy and hair dyeing aren’t the best pair, with a bit of research, a number of options for a new color or style have been uncovered. However, before using any color or chemical treatment out there on your hair, make sure you consult with your doctor for the necessary advice and subsequent approval. If you have further doubts, avoid dyeing your hair altogether until the second or third trimester. You can also put off dyeing your hair until you give birth.

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Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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