
Can You Resolve Your Personal Injury Claims Without Filing A Lawsuit?

Now You Can Resolve Your Personal Injury Claims Without Filing A Lawsuit

People who have been injured because of the negligence of another party often wonder whether filing a lawsuit is worthwhile. You must consult with a personal injury lawyer to increase your chances of securing fair compensation in a personal injury case. Whether you are likely to succeed in a personal injury lawsuit depends on several factors, including how your injury occurred, the evidence you have to support your claim of fault, and whether you have an experienced legal representative who can guide you through the litigation process.

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As reported by the U.S., Approximately 90 percent of personal injury cases are settled before going to trial. When these cases reach trial, they typically yield an unfavorable outcome, especially if they are filed without representation by a knowledgeable attorney. We will explain why it is vital that you hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you, but first, let’s define some terms.

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  • Settlement: Essentially, a settlement consists of a lawsuit’s formal settlement before the matter goes to court. A settlement is reached at any time during a lawsuit, and in some instances, a lawsuit may not even need to be filed.
  • Trial

The term “trial” refers to the formal examination of evidence by a judge, usually before a jury, to determine guilt for a case of criminal or civil proceeding.

  • Lawsuit: A lawsuit or litigation is the process of bringing a dispute or claim to a court where it is resolved formally.

When Do You File A Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Personal injury lawsuits can theoretically be filed without much difficulty. Suit filing is based on a simple principle: to notify the court of the basis of your case promptly, as well as to inform the defendant (the person you are suing). Nevertheless, non-lawyers often struggle to understand what to expect in practice. Therefore, lawyers at, who are expert injury attorneys, recommend hiring a  lawyer to handle this for you. Here are the reasons:


1. They Are Dedicated To Personal Injury Law

Lawyers often specialize in more than one field of law. This reason is why you should select a personal injury law firm devoted to personal injury matters – that is, the attorneys at the firm focus exclusively on personal injury matters. Personal injury lawyers assist individuals who another’s negligence has been injured. Although personal injury law has many components, a lawyer who concentrates exclusively on such law is more likely to possess a great deal of experience than a lawyer who practices in several areas simultaneously.

2. Insurance In Complex

Although almost everyone is covered by insurance, not everyone knows how it works. It is difficult for even experienced attorneys to understand insurance. If you hire a personal injury lawyer, you will receive comprehensive guidance throughout the claim process. Additionally, insurance companies are multibillion-dollar enterprises that attempt to settle claims for less than their actual value. Your right to insurance coverage depends on having an experienced personal injury lawyer advocating for you.

3. They Are Familiar With Court Systems

A courtroom can be a confusing and formal place to be if you have ever been there. In most cases, when you hire an experienced personal injury attorney, they will handle the entire litigation process on your behalf. If you must appear before the court for some reason as a witness, your injury lawyer will ensure you are well prepared for your appearance.

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4. Your Recovery Is Top Priority

In most cases, a personal injury lawyer is necessary if you have been injured. You will likely need to undergo medical treatments and therapy to assist in returning to your former self. You will probably be too busy to take care of legal matters. In addition, settling a claim can be a lengthy procedure. An attorney specializing in personal injury works tirelessly to ensure that accident victims receive a fair financial settlement and, most importantly, to ensure that their recovery proceeds smoothly and quickly. By retaining a personal injury lawyer, you have access to their vast network of connections to treatment centers and health professionals, thereby speeding up the recovery process. If you are injured, your attorney will investigate, advocate, and litigate to ensure that you are fully compensated.

Finally, even though it is technically possible for you to file a lawsuit independently, you can see why it is not advisable. You do not wish to undergo the entire process only to be unable to receive the compensation and benefits you deserve. If you have sustained a personal injury, you should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to protect yourself and to ensure that you obtain all the benefits you are entitled to.

Main Image Source: Pixabay

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