Ten of My Favourite Caroline Fyffe Quotes
Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Caroline Fyffe, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Caroline Fyffe you will find my Ten favourites of Caroline Fyffe’s quotes.
Popular Quotes
“Love never fails.”
― Caroline Fyffe, Evie
“Nell glanced down at her brother and a swell of love lifted her heart. Always her champion.
“Sounds like you think she talks to them, Seth.”
Seth shrugged. “She does. Not with words exactly. I can’t explain it.” He repositioned his hat. “Don’t matter how she does it; I’m just glad she can.”
Turning back to the horses, Nell let go her breath and flexed her stiff shoulders. All they had to do now was set up camp and begin work tomorrow. Anticipation thrummed inside her chest, not only because of the horses but because of Charlie and the way she felt him looking at her right now. With a light in his eyes that said he was more than a little curious about what she’d reveal next.”
― Caroline Fyffe, West Winds of Wyoming
“Susanna, I’m not exactly sure how to begin. Where to start. I know I was in the wrong by not telling you sooner, but I was in an incredibly tight spot.”
She crooked her brow.
“I’m still in an incredibly tight spot?”
She nodded.”
― Caroline Fyffe, Under a Falling Star
“Darling’ there’re things I haven’t told you yet either, just didn’t know how to broach the subject. We can’t know everything about each other by writing a few letters and having dinner once.” – Chance Holcomb”
― Caroline Fyffe, Evie
“There’s not a single thing in this world you can’t accomplish, sweetness, with hard work, fortitude, and love. Just set your mind to it and march ahead. Never let anyone rob you of your dreams.”
― Caroline Fyffe, West Winds of Wyoming
“Life isn’t worth living without love. Have faith in love! Take a chance, and you might be surprised at how well things will turn out. If you do, you’ll be filled with joy. I promise.”
― Caroline Fyffe, Under a Falling Star
“It’s strange, isn’t it? How humans can protect their own with such fierceness and loyalty, yet not blink an eye when it comes to destroying someone else.”
― Caroline Fyffe, Texas Twilight
“Cooking isn’t hard. It just takes a little bit of imagination and determination.”
― Caroline Fyffe, Evie
“fishhook. It’s squiggly like a worm. Something’s”
― Caroline Fyffe, Before the Larkspur Blooms
“I do have a girl that sets the moon and stars.”
― Caroline Fyffe, Under a Falling Star
10 Famous Quotes by Author Caroline Fyffe
So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Caroline Fyffe, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Caroline Fyffe. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Caroline Fyffe.
One Final Bonus – Caroline Fyffe Quote
“Can I have this dance?”
He held out his arms expectantly, waiting as she grappled with her feelings. She gazed up into his eyes. One heartbeat later she slipped into his arms and he pulled her close. Her palm against his was heady, sending all sorts of tingles coursing up and down her arm. His other hand, on the small of her back, kept her close. They were awkward at first, but kept at it. He hummed as they moved around in a circle, her skirt swishing against her legs and sometimes tangling between his. A slow burn started on her neck. When they finished he let her go and took a small step back.
“Charlie, I…”
“Stop talking, Nell.”
His eyes closed and his lips covered hers. The kiss was gentle as he pulled her tighter against him, driving all thought from her mind. His hands moved down and bracketed her waist and he tilted his head, deepening the kiss.”
― Caroline Fyffe, West Winds of Wyoming