
Cass Morris’s Top 9 Popular and Famous Quotes

Nine of My Favourite Cass Morris Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 9 Famous Quotes by Author Cass Morris, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Cass Morris you will find my Nine favourites of Cass Morris’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“It is a matter of debate, one of the mysteries yet unsolved. Perhaps the gods seek to wean us from their direct control, like children.” She tucked a finger under Latona’s chin, tipping it up so that she had to sit up straight. “But I do know that they would not choose an unworthy vessel. If they have chosen you for some purpose, it is because you are clever enough and strong enough to bear it.”
― Cass Morris, From Unseen Fire

 “But she is, also, the Queen of Heaven,’ Latona thought, remembering the words she invoked during the ritual. ‘She is a ruler, in her own right. She pursues her interests and defends herself aggressively. And—’ Latona’s lips quirked up at one corner. ‘I wonder who it is that sees to the running of things on Olympus when Jove neglects his duties to dally with shepherdesses.”
― Cass Morris, From Unseen Fire

“Latona glanced southward towards the Aventine. “It’s quite a thing to think of, really,” she said. “From a strand of huts on the river bank, built by fishers, hunters, and thieves, to all this. I’ve always wondered if Remus chose the land, or if the land chose Remus.”
― Cass Morris, From Unseen Fire

 “But if she were respected as she should be, she would not need to hide her talent.’ How many others were there like her, Latona wondered, freedwomen and immigrants whose brilliance went unobserved, unappreciated?”
― Cass Morris, From Unseen Fire

 “All my life,’ she thought, ‘someone has been telling me what I must not do. Mother, father, husband, priestesses… How did it take me till now to realize how heartily sick of it I am?”
― Cass Morris, From Unseen Fire

 “all joys, and Latona thought it a great comfort to know that someone in the heavens paid attention to even the smallest and most usual concerns of mortal life.”
― Cass Morris, From Unseen Fire

“There is a simple truth, and he may just be addressing it differently than you would: Our world is getting bigger, whether we like it or not.”
― Cass Morris, From Unseen Fire

 “I find I am increasingly disinterested in what other people will allow me.”
― Cass Morris, From Unseen Fire

“in the southern plains at ancient Gades. Near, too near.”
― Cass Morris, From Unseen Fire

9 Famous Quotes by Author Cass Morris

So there you have it my Nine favourite quotes by Cass Morris, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Cass Morris.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 9 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Cass Morris. 

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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