
Climate Change Carbon Hoax Explained

What is Global Warming and Climate Change?

Climate Change Carbon Hoax Explained. Over the past 50 years, the temperature has increased at such a rapid rate that it has never happened before in history. And many see this trend to be accelerating. In NASA’S record of 134 years, since 2000 the rest of the 18 years the hottest have been the warmest. There are some deniers who are studying climate change, said that temperature rise has been slow down. But several studies conducted and published in 2015 rejected this claim. And scientists have warned that if we don’t work on global warming emissions, the temperature of the US might rise to 10 degrees Centigrade over the next century.

Alleged Causes of Global Warming

Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide, other air pollutants, and some greenhouse gases gathered, and these gases start to absorb the radiations from the sun, which are reflected from the earth surface. There is a chance that these radiations might escape into space but these greenhouse gases which have long-lasting time from years to centuries don’t let the heat run away and makes the planet hotter. This is also called the greenhouse effect.

In the United States, electricity is generated by burning a significant number of fossil fuels, which is the leading cause of heat-trapping pollution. And it has been producing about 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year. The plants which are burning coal are also the most significant source of air pollution. The transportation sector is the second largest source of air pollution in a country. Its emission rate is about 1.7 billion tons per year.

To counteract this climate change, it requires a cut in emissions and the use of some alternatives to fossil fuels. And the good news is there is a reduction in the emission of carbon dioxide from 2005 to 2014 in the US. This is because they have started to use cleaner fuel and efficient new technology. And the scientists are still working to find out new ways to modernise power plants, production of cleaner electricity, and burning of less gasoline. These solutions must be used and widely adopted to reduce emissions and avoid global warming.

How is Global Warming Responsible For Extreme Weather Conditions?

Scientists and researchers are agreed to the point that, the rising temperature of the earth is because of the longer and hotter heat waves, heavy rainfalls than before, extreme droughts, and the powerful hurricanes. In 2015 there was a drought in California, which was the shortage of water for the first time in 1200 years, and this was because of global warming. And scientists have predicted the chances of such droughts in future also. In the coming years, the heat waves will directly affect climate change.

The temperature of the earth oceans is getting warmer day by day; this will help the tropical storms to pick up more energy. Scientists have said that the frequency of North Hurricanes has been increased very much since the 1980s. Impacts and effects of global warming are felt all around the globe. These extreme waves have caused lots of deaths in those recent years. And this has been the alarming sign for the years to come. Antarctica is losing 134-billion-ton ice per year since 2002. If we don’t stop burning our fossil fuel and keep going at this pace, this rate will increase more in the future. And this will cause sea levels to rise several meters over the next 50 to 150 years.

What Could Be The Other Effects of Global Warming?

Scientists have concluded that if the same trend continues for some time it may have severe health, economy, and environmental consequences. These could be the possible effects of global warming if the trends continue to be the same:

  • Glaciers will melt and there is a great chance of drought as well.
  • Rise in the sea levels which are expected to rise several meters in coming years.
  • Increased chances of heat waves and flooding as well.
  • There could be a disruption of the habitats.
  • Different diseases are likely to break out like asthma, infectious diseases, and allergies.

So, if we don’t start caring for our environment the time to come will be very much hard for our survival.  

What is The Current ppm of CO2 in the Atmosphere?

In 2017, it was found that the average global atmospheric carbon dioxide was almost 405 parts per million (ppm) along with the uncertainty value of plus-minus 0.1 ppm. Levels of carbon dioxide nowadays are as high as it was never in the past 800,000 years. In fact, the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere was equal to today about 300 Million years ago when the temperature was only 2 to 3-degree Centigrade. And it was the time when there was no industrial area, and sea level was 15-25 meters higher than it is today.

This increase in the amount of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is because people are burning fossil fuels to gain energy. Fossil fuels contain carbon which is pulled by plants from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis, and it took them millions of years to do so. But we are returning this carbon to the atmosphere is just hundreds of years

How many ppm of CO2 do we need to be reducing it to?

There is no hard and fast rule about the perfect concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. The ideal level of CO2 in the atmosphere is almost 0.04 per cent, which is precisely to be the same nowadays. It took millions of years for nature to be in a balance, so don’t overthink. The current CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is the same what it should be.

Have You Ever Heard of a Dalton Minimum?

Another name of Dalton minimum is Modern minimum. The period in which sunspot activity reduced between 1790 and 1830. It was named after the chemist and meteorologist John Dalton. This sunspot activity continues for about 11 years cycle. During the Dalton minimum, the solar activity continued, and the number of sunspots at the peak of solar cycles reduced to about one-third of the one that observed during regular solar cycles. Three solar cycles occurred in the period of Dalton Minimum, and have unusual periods of high activity.

This was the period of lower than average global temperatures. During the period of Dalton minimum, there was a variation of one-degree centigrade temperature in Germany. The cause of lower than average temperatures is still unclear. And what was their possible relation with solar spots was not clearly understood also while some studies concluded that this was because of the rise in volcanism which results in cooling trend.

While the year 1816 was the year without a summer and was also in the period of Dalton minimum. The main reason for that year’s cold temperature was the highly explosive eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815. One of the two largest eruptions in the past 2000 years. There is another possibility that the rise in volcanism may have occurred because of a lower level of solar output. There is a weak but significant relationship between the increased in volcanism and decreased solar output.

What is Coal is Made From?

Coal was formed millions of years ago when the earth has a covering of forests, plants, giant ferns, and masses grow. As the plants have started to grow some of them died and fell into the swamp water. Some plants grew up again in their place, and when they died, others start to grow, and the process continued. By the time there was also a thick layer of plants rotting in the swamp waters. With the time the nature of the earth surface changed, and water and dirt washed in, and this stops the decaying process. It took millions of years and new layers are developed one over the other.

When heat and pressure were applied, it has produced physical and chemical changes in the layers of plant and forced out oxygen to leave and left with the rich deposits of carbon. And the material that has been planted then becomes the coal.

Coals have been classified into three major categories. Which are

  • Lignite
  • Bituminous coal
  • Anthracite

This classification is done based on the amount of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen present in the coal. It can be defined as readable combustible coal, which almost contains more than 50% of the carbon by weight. Other components of coal are hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and ash. There are some other undesirable components, also like sodium and chlorine. During the process of transformation or coalification, peat is converted to lignite, lignite then converts to sub-bituminous, sub-bituminous coal is then altered to bituminous coal, and the bituminous coal is transformed into anthracite.

What Gas is Produced During the Manufacturing of Solar Panels?

The gas during the manufacturing of solar panels is the Nitrogen trifluoride NF3 which is a key chemical agent used in the production of certain types of voltaic cells for solar panels and for the semiconductors and flat screens of LCD. NF3 is produced in only a minute amount and add a little effect to greenhouse emission gases. While on the other hand carbon dioxide makes up to 82% and the methane 10%.

Is Nitrogen trifluoride NF3 safe?

Although it is produced in a little amount, scientists have warned that NF3 is dangerous because of its very high efficiency in trapping energy. It also has a long atmospheric span of almost 740 years. According to the report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on climate change, NF3 is 17200 times more potent than Carbon dioxide. By itself, it is not going to cause any severe damage to the environment, but the thing when add up makes it dangerous.

Is Nitrogen trifluoride NF3 safe?

It was observed the increase of 1057 % in annual US emission of NF3 from 1990 to 2015. While on the other hand, the increase in CO2 emissions was only 5.6 per cent. Reports said that this amount fell up to 2.2 per cent in the year 2015 this was because of the country started to use coal instead for natural gas and the warmer winter reduces the requirement of heating the fuel. According to a study which was led by a researcher, total NF3 emissions in 2011 only equalled 0.06% of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions which are contributed by carbon dioxide. It was analysed using apple to apple comparison.

So, it can be concluded that the gas produces during the manufacturing of solar panels is itself not threatening for the environment, but when things are added up to it makes it dangerous for the environment.  

Should We Use More Ethanol Fuel in Our Cars?

Ethanol is a similar type of alcohol which is found mostly in alcoholic drinks. It is used as an additive in motor vehicle gasoline. There is roughly 10% ethanol in our gasoline. With this type of composition, it has the same potential as the simple gasoline does but just less than 2-3 per cent. If you are willing to use (E-100) then it will require 1.5 Gallons of ethanol to provide the same energy as it is provided by 1 Gallon of gasoline. It will increase the actual cost. Then why people are interested in using it.

It has lots of advantages and disadvantages.

Its major disadvantage is that the actual mileage of gas will be decreased. Ethanol is not good for small engines which is another serious drawback. Besides these disadvantages, it also has a lot of advantages as well. It’s burning is clean. Which makes it environment-friendly. People nowadays are looking for environment conscious fuel. Can be used as an alternative fuel.

So it can be concluded that it is better to use more ethanol in cars because it’s burning is clean and would not much hurt the environment as well. Means it is environment-friendly fuel.

Conclusion Climate Control Conspiracy

The idea that carbon emissions are behind the current weather and climatic changes seem to be misleading. The idea that carbon is the cause of whatever is happening is likely some rich idiot pedalling ideas to get more money from our increasingly incompetent governments. We currently have in our atmosphere 0.04 per cent of carbon dioxide, precisely what we should have. However, that being said, chopping down trees, back burning rainforests, mass extinction of species and the ever-increasing human population will take their toll on this planet.

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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