Survival Diaries Pro Log Podcast
2020 will be a year to be remembered, not least due to the upcoming epic dystopian nightmare Ralph Jones has created with Survival Diaries. Multiple factions fight to maintain their identities in the face over overwhelming odds. The mysterious Founders managed to manipulate themselves into a position of power post a catastrophic war that change the face of Australia forever. Part four of the podcast by Eureka Resist radio are made in the early days of the resistance just after what came to be known as transition day.
Part 4 Eureka Resist Radio Clock is Ticking
Transcript from Part 4
You hear it, don’t you? The sound of the clock on the wall. It’s soothing in a way that you won’t admit and yet there’s something about you that makes you scared. Is it because you’re afraid of time itself or is it because you’ve been taught that time is evil?
Fear is subjective. It is an instinct that does not fall into the category of complex emotions – it’s simple and clean. Everyone feels fear whether it’s from a small critter or from something as complex as the omnipresent size of the universe that keeps expanding.
You and I both can become victims to the primal instinct. We can let it control our every move, our whole lives or… We can fight against it.
I know it’s easier said than done, trust me, I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to be afraid to breathe, to be afraid to exist on your own. I’ve been through the unimaginable and somehow I’ve still managed to survive so far. So can you – so can all of us. If we combine our forces and work together for a brighter future we will be able to cleanse the world of the filth that has swallowed it.
There will always be those who spread propaganda against us, Eureka, although you can see for yourself what we stand for. Don’t let yourself be blinded.
I know it’s easier to stand behind lies that give off the illusion that they’re helping you. It’s a thick mist of empty promises that fades away when the time comes – the time when you need them most. Lies can’t save you. They can make you feel better, like you belong, but they will never protect you.
Lies use you as a host. It might be tough to hear, but you are the one making them stronger.
Eureka stands by the truth no matter how hard it might be to accept. We have accepted the world for what it is but we have not accepted the way it is run. Those greedy with power will be taken down eventually no matter how hard they try to get rid of us. Each day Eureka gets more members, each day we grow. What was once a small group of vigilantes has turned into a vast organization.
We are everywhere.
We are your friends, your siblings, your parents.
We are the strangers you pass on the streets.
We are the faces you see in your dreams.
We are Eureka.
Ralph Jones Traveler of the Multiverse
Join Ralph on his journey into the darkest and brightest aspects of humanity. Will you conform for temporary safety or fight for your very identity.
Ralph Jones
The World You Think You Know
Main Image Source : Pixabay
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