
Daniel Mason’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Daniel Mason Quotes 

Daniel Mason, a writer whom I am guessing you love? Here are our 10 best Daniel Mason quotes for you to enjoy. At Australia Unwrapped we believe every book has at least one quotable line, and our mission is to find them all. Here you will find Daniel Mason’s top 10 popular and famous quotes. Like every good writer Daniel Mason made a number of memorable quotes, here are some of our favourites: 

Popular Quotes

“being needed was not the same as being accepted.”
― Daniel Mason, The Piano Tuner

 “It was only when it came time for bathing that he left again. He could touch her forehead, auscultate her lungs, he could bear the weight of her breast against his hand as he listened to her heart. But bathe her as she had bathed the soldiers? When he had once touched the rim of his canteen just to feel where she had pressed her lips? No: once in her ravings, her shirt had lifted to reveal her navel, her iliac crest, a little curl of hair above the symphysis, and Lucius had frozen, unable to look away. No, the thoughts of undressing her, the complex mix of fear and yearning, were too much for him to bear. But she was burning up. Better Zmudowski, uxorious philatelist, responsible paterfamilias. Lucius stood outside the door and watched the sparrows, listening to the slosh of water, the squish of sponge. Day three: the fever broke. The wound looked better, less purulent, its color less exuberant. He felt himself buoyed, only to touch her head two hours later and sink. The mercury reached the highest notches on the glass. This was worse, he thought—it meant the infection was within, unseen, a witch’s hex.”
― Daniel Mason, The Winter Soldier

“The conversations rests uneasily; one doesn’t expect good-byes to be burdened by such trivialities. This is not how it is in the books, he thinks, or in the theater, and he feels the need to speak of mission, of duty, of love. They reach home and close the door and he doesn’t drop her hand. Where speech fails, touch compensates.”
― Daniel Mason, The Piano Tuner

 “A world full of people who want to know what you will be, what is your skill and what is your purpose. In the north, if a man had come and said “What will you be? What will you do?” I would have laughed at this kind of person that lives all the time in the future.”
― Daniel Mason, A Far Country

 “good piano tuner must have knowledge not only of his instrument but of “Physics, Philosophy, and Poetics,” so that Edgar, although he never attended university, reached his twentieth birthday with more education than many who had.”
― Daniel Mason, The Piano Tuner

 “At times I wonder if the reason I have lost track of time is that I will know when to return not by a date, but when an emptiness is filled.”
― Daniel Mason, The Piano Tuner

“White. Like a clean piece of paper, like uncarved ivory, all is white when the story begins.”
― Daniel Mason, The Piano Tuner

 “One learns a lot if others assume you are deaf to their tongue.”
― Daniel Mason, The Piano Tuner

“war. A balanced peace is a poor fertilizer for promotion.”
― Daniel Mason, The Piano Tuner

“that being needed was not the same as being accepted.”
― Daniel Mason, The Piano Tuner

10 Famous Quotes by Author Daniel Mason

Quotes for all, here you found our selection of 10 Daniel Mason quotes. Make sure you help by commenting your best Daniel Mason quote below and sharing our favourite authors so we can look them up, read some of their works and give you the best quotes we can find. We hope you enjoyed our top 10 quotes by Daniel Mason. However, feel free to comment below if you disagree or would like to include some other great and memorable Daniel Mason quotes in our list. 

One Final Bonus – Daniel Mason Quote 

“In het begin trok ik de draden uit mijn kleren om te kunnen borduren, met de dag werden mijn werken mooier en met de dag mijn kleren kleiner. Daarom naai ik vooral in blauw. Blauw is niet de kleur van mijn expressie. Blauw is de kleur van de bloezen en het beddengoed dat de patienten.bewoners.gekken.gevangenen van Colonia Juliano Moreira krijgen en het was de enige draad die ik had voordat de dame mijn ordening van de wereld ‘kunst’ begon te noemen, waarna mensen me begonnen op te zoeken en schroot en andere nuttige voorwerpen meenamen.
Soms borduurde ik zo veel, kwamen de ideeen zo snel, dat ik nog maar een hemdsmouw overhield. Die droeg ik binnenstebuiten, om dan rond te dwalen met de andere naakte patienten, die hun kleren van zich af rukten omdat ze die aanzagen voor dwangbuizen.hommels.vuur. Het duurde uren voordat het personeel me ontdekte, het duurde jaren voordat ze beseften dat ik alleen naakt rondliep omdat dit nodig was voor mijn werk, dat als ik genoeg fatsoenlijk materiaal had, ik met liefde mijn beddengoed heel hield.
Dat waren de heerlijkste dagen, verscholen achter de armoedige planten in de tuin, op mijn rug met steentjes als een aureool rond mijn hoofd, in de onaangeharkte tuin met de warmte van de Rio-zon op mijn penis en buik.”
― Daniel Mason, De man die kleur maakte

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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