
Face Scrub How To Do It Right 

Best Homemade Face Scrubs

So, exfoliating gives more freshness and shine to the skin and helps to inhibit the appearance of acne.

Another benefit of exfoliation is making the skin more likely to absorb products, as it will be free of the thick layer formed by dead cells.

Even after washing and cleansing your face every day, there are dead skin cells that even the best homemade face scrubs or cleansers miss out on. While they may help get rid of any superficial build-up on the face, these face washers are not that effective at digging out the grime that’s deeper in your skin. Enter exfoliation, a process that not only helps remove dead skin, blackheads and whiteheads but also smoothens your skin texture. To scrub your way to a beautiful, glowing new you, you must make this process an essential part of your skincare regimen.

How often to exfoliate?

The frequency of exfoliation will always depend on the type and condition of the skin. 

With oily or acne-prone skin, exfoliation can be done twice a week. It should be done once a week or every 15 days on normal or dry skin. 

The important thing is always to pay attention to your skin’s needs and never overdo it, as excessive exfoliation can damage the protective barrier and leave doors open for pathogenic microorganisms.     

How to know if you over exfoliated 

If you over-exfoliated, just notice if your skin itches or burns when you wash or apply products. Other signs are redness, itching, dryness, irritation.   

In these cases, give your skin a break and decrease the frequency. If the condition does not improve, see a dermatologist. 

Care before, during, and after exfoliation

Although not absolutely essential in the skincare routine, exfoliation is super beneficial. However, it requires some special care:   

  1. Gently massage the product to avoid harming the skin and leave it sensitized. 
  2. To rinse the product, use water at a mild temperature – never hot. 
  3. Hydrate your skin right afterward, even if your skin is oily or acne-prone. 

 If it’s too much, hit it. If it’s too little, the skin is dull. Understand the basic principles to exfoliate the skin of the face in the right measure  

To exfoliate or not to exfoliate the skin? And how often? You must have already asked this question. And you are not alone! These are some of the doubts that a lot of people have when it comes to exfoliating the face.     

For starters, let’s remember that the skin is alive and renews itself every 28 days. In this process, new cells are born in the basal layer ( the deepest layer of the epidermis ) and move to the stratum corneum (the most superficial ). But when they reach the surface of the skin, the cells are already dead and stay there until they are discarded by peeling.        

And what does cell renewal have to do with exfoliation? 

Exfoliation promotes – through friction or chemical action – the removal of dead cells. In doing so, it stimulates the renewal process. This is because the body understands that it needs to manufacture more new cells to supply the surface layer of the skin.   

Benefits of exfoliation for the skin 

The accumulation of dead cells leaves the skin looking opaque, without vitality. In addition, they serve as food for harmful microorganisms and can clog pores by joining with excess fat produced by the sebaceous glands. 

Also, Read : 5 Most Stylish Face Masks from Popular Brands

Fun Fact

How To Use A Face Scrub?

Try to get a face scrub that is designed for your skin type. This can help with additional moisturisation and other skin issues too.

Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
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