
Glenna Sinclair’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Glenna Sinclair Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Glenna Sinclair’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Glenna Sinclair quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Glenna Sinclair’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“drive you home”
― Glenna Sinclair, DRAGON SECURITY: Volume 2: The Complete 6 Books Series

 “I say,” Jake continued after a long pause, “if they’re not hurting anyone, why bother them? This is America, after all. Maybe it’s not the best it could be all the time, but it’s pretty damn good, all things considered. And I fought for it. Sure, you might not agree with everything happening all the time, but at least it’s a big country. You don’t like your neighbors, just move. You don’t like your state, find a new one. Or vote for people who’ll change it to your liking. We’re the people who make this place, right or wrong.”
― Glenna Sinclair, Frost Security: The Complete 5 Books Series

“Patience was what made a man or woman dangerous. Put a plan together, wait for the perfect opportunity. That’s what the criminals who didn’t get caught, the generals who won battles, and the predators who got their prey all had in common. Knowing when to strike at the best time, and when the your opponent both least suspected it and was least prepared.”
― Glenna Sinclair, Frost Security: The Complete 5 Books Series

 “I say,” Jake continued after a long pause, “if they’re not hurting anyone, why bother them? This is America, after all. Maybe it’s not the best it could be all the time, but it’s pretty damn good, all things considered.”
― Glenna Sinclair, Frost Security: The Complete 5 Books Series

 “said. “I was just always told that it wasn’t very ladylike.” “Fuck that,” he said succinctly, and I laughed. “It’s language. It’s genderless. Say what you want. If ‘fuck’ says it best, then fucking say ‘fuck.”
― Glenna Sinclair, Beauty and the Billionaire, Part 1

 “He said she needed to learn how to take pleasure in every section of the cycle of life.”
― Glenna Sinclair, Mastiff Security: The Complete 5 Books Series

“They always say that the ones who can hurt you the most are the ones you love the most.”
― Glenna Sinclair, Frost Security: The Complete 5 Books Series

 “I was doomed to always be alone. The perpetual wallflower. Always a bridesmaid…”
― Glenna Sinclair, Gray Wolf Security

“I wanted to convince him that he wanted me,”
― Glenna Sinclair, The Callahans: The Complete Series

“you think the accident was meant for him?”
― Glenna Sinclair, Gray Wolf Security, Texas: The Complete Series

10 Famous Quotes by Author Glenna Sinclair

10 quotes by Glenna Sinclair there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Glenna Sinclair quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Glenna Sinclair Quote. 

One Final Bonus – Glenna Sinclair Quote 

“Not that it would have prevented the shooting. That was a drive by inspired by a case Peter Bradford had been working on at the time. It would have happened anyway. It could still happen. But the security measures made Megan feel better. I stood slightly behind Hayden, aware of the tension in his shoulders. He disliked this new security protocol. I didn’t blame him. It seemed rather useless to me, too. We could have had badges that could be swiped or something like that, something more modern than clicking a name on a computer screen. But it wasn’t my job to worry about that. And it was a nice excuse to spend a little more time with Hayden. I found myself searching for something to talk about when I noticed Peter up ahead of us. “Everyone seems to be pairing off.” “What?” I gestured toward Peter. He was talking into his cellphone to his girlfriend, a very pregnant woman who was due to give birth practically any moment. I could hear him trying to calm her down, saying something about false labor. Hayden watched him thoughtfully, something”

― Glenna Sinclair, DRAGON SECURITY: Volume 2: The Complete 6 Books Series

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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