
Why Do I Have A Swollen Belly? Causes And Tips To Avoid Bloating

“Why do I constantly have a swollen belly?” is a common query among males and, to a lesser degree, women. This is hardly unexpected given the prevalence of abdominal distension, as this condition is known in medicine.

But do you understand why this occurs? We’ll explain what abdominal distension is, what causes it, and how to lessen belly bloating with a few easy suggestions in this post.


Abdominal distension may be caused by a variety of factors, including psychological factors, although the most frequent cause is the presence of air or gas in the digestive system.

This may occur for the following reasons:

  • Drink carbonated beverages.
  • Eat fast or overeat.
  • Chew gum.
  • Excess salt.
  • High consumption of carbohydrates and foods rich in fiber.
  • Drink little water.
  • Drink too much alcohol.

Tips To Avoid Bloating

As you can see, a large belly is frequently the result of unhealthy habits we develop in our daily lives.

As a result, the best ways to prevent bloating are the same ones that any doctor would prescribe if you want to live a healthy life: eat a balanced diet, exercise, don’t drink excessively, and avoid processed foods, among other things.

But, as I’m sure you already know, here are some specific advice for avoiding or reducing stomach swelling. Similarly, there is no quick fix or magic recipe; simply modest steps that, when used together, can help you attain your objective.

Women: Heat For The Abdomen Inflamed By The Period

A few days before their menstruation, many women experience bloating. It’s a symptom of Premenstrual Syndrome, thus it’s fairly frequent right now.

To relieve it, apply a warm blanket or bag over the stomach region and near to the pelvis (but not too tightly). You’ll see how, in just a few minutes, you may ease both the sensation of a large tummy and the agony of your period.

Relax Your Breathing.

This is not a yoga or meditation session. To ease the distension, just breathe gently and deeply, releasing any trapped air or gas in your body.

Eat Slowly And Chew Well

According to experts, chewing food between 15 and 40 times is important for efficient digestion. This aids in the digestion of meals, reducing the sensation of heaviness and bloating in the stomach.

The size of the servings also has an impact, since eating too much at once makes your stomach considerably heavier. It is essential to eat healthily, but the quantities should be reasonable.

Eat Foods That Soothe A Swollen Belly

Matcha or mint tea are infusions that help to prevent and reduce tummy bloating and gas production.

Because of its anti-inflammatory characteristics, pineapple, papaya, and melon may help decrease fluid retention, which is another major cause of bloating.

If you have irritable bowel syndrome, adding coriander and parsley to your meals will help you cleanse your colon.

Move On

Regularly participating in sports is a must for a healthy lifestyle. Similarly, if you have a big tummy, it is also essential to exercise your body, even if you do not have the ‘body’ for it.

To keep fluids circulating after a big lunch (which you should avoid in the future), go for a stroll, perform yoga, or walk. Moderate exercise is recommended.

Many individuals have a distended stomach or gut, but now that you know the reasons, you may take steps to alleviate the discomfort.

Also see: 5 Back Exercises To Do At Home

Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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