
How to Design a SaaS Website Using Good UI/UX Methods

Want to learn how to design a sleek SaaS website using the best UI/UX methods? Read this post to learn and do it better.

Creating an attractive, usable website is one of the UX/UI designer’s core objectives. A UX design agency can help you develop a stellar UX/UI to make visitors want to stay on a website longer. However, many designers still focus only on beautiful appearances, forgetting that poor functionality makes 42% of people leave websites. Also, poor UX and UI of SaaS businesses reduce conversion rates and increase bounce rates.

But how can a web designer utilize UX and UI principles to build user-friendly SaaS websites? This article shares the details.

Why Is a Good UI/UX Design Important?

Before digging into the details, let’s establish why good UX and UI are important. Like in other businesses, customer engagement is one of the top key performance indicators (KPIs) in a SaaS enterprise. Thus, how a SaaS company’s customers engage with it on its website is critical. Its website needs a user-friendly design to engage users satisfactorily.

The company’s web designers must devise ways to achieve this goal. They can do it by:

  • Choosing appropriate UX design frameworks.
  • Devising a strong strategy.
  • Conducting user research.
  • Sticking to the basic design principles.

As a result, a SaaS website can enjoy benefits like:

  • A simplified user journey.
  • Increased customer engagement.
  • Better ROI.

Ways to Design a User-Friendly SaaS Website Using UX/UI Techniques

Here are the top techniques designers can utilize to attain better UI/UX parameters and achieve a variety of business goals.

Consider all Platforms and Devices

Considering all user platforms is a must-have ingredient for designing a user-focused SaaS website. Designers should keep in mind that over half of all internet users access digital products using mobile devices.

Moreover, users shouldn’t merely access mobile website versions. Those versions should also be friendly to allow visitors to navigate them conveniently to get what they need. Thus, creating mobile-first versions of SaaS business websites is a priority today.

Prioritize Your Brand

Your website is your SaaS company’s online face. Thus, the way your users interact with you there directly shapes their perceptions of your brand. Their perception can either promote or erode your brand’s credibility. Therefore, the entire design process must speak favorably for your corporate brand and ensure consistency among various brand resources.

Utilize Sticky Headers to Make Users Explore the Website

Sticky headers help users explore a SaaS website easily. It is yet another way of maximizing UI/UX in good website design. This way, visitors can access key actions or information on given pages.

That’s why Adobe experts recommend using these sticky headers and best practices to create fixed elements on pages:

  • Focusing on elements and actions that add value.
  • Using plenty of contrast to distinguish elements from the moving content beneath them.
  • Hiding headers when scrolling down on mobile devices to give users more space to read.

Know Your Target Audience

Every SaaS website designer should know their target audiences well. Identifying them helps you set your website’s branding and customize its design appropriately. A UX/UI expert can use the following techniques to achieve this goal:

  • Conduct audience analysis of your audience’s demographics and psychology to get vital information on their age ranges, genders, locations, socioeconomic statuses, interests, and lifestyle choices.
  • Perform client interviews to strengthen connections with your audience and receive first-hand insights into user preferences.
  • Conduct competitor analysis to know how they position their brands and what content generates more engagement.

Choose the Correct Typography

A SaaS website that incorporates good UX/UI practices should focus on the kind of typography it uses. Your website’s typography comprises font styles, sizes, appearances, and structures. Selecting the correct one enhances your website’s aesthetics and optimizes its UX and accessibility. For instance, a designer should use a non-distracting font to communicate an important message.

Other web design best practices that enhance your website’s typography include:

  • Minimizing the number of font styles to create a professional look and maintain consistency.
  • Utilizing web-safe fonts that don’t lose their appearance on various gadgets and browsers, keeping your branding consistent and boosting readability.
  • Setting proportional text sizes to the minimum size of 16 pixels or 12 pt.
  • Using 50-75 characters per line to prevent boredom and eye fatigue.

Consistent Actions in Web Usage

Your SaaS website should offer consistent actions to users. For instance, if your site users know how to use one section’s functionality, they should also be able to apply it in other sections. This way, consistency in how people operate and perform tasks on your website eliminates unnecessary user discovery.

Users naturally transfer previous knowledge to new contexts when exploring your website’s new parts. Allowing consistent action becomes second nature, and your online visitors can eventually use your site even without thinking about the next step. Thus, your SaaS website users can transfer these expectations to new unexplored site features, minimizing their learning curve.

Do Usability Testing

Conducting usability testing is another excellent UI/UX practice to incorporate into a SaaS website design. Testing your product helps you identify potential challenges early enough and minimize overall expenses. Here are practical guidelines to help you in your testing process for effective results.

  • Use a prototype to evaluate your website’s design in the early stages and avoid costly and time-wasting changes later in the development stage.
  • Find the correct users to test the website by considering demographics and psychographics before onboarding them.
  • Design clear objectives and tasks to help you observe the error margins or challenges users experience more successfully.
  • Involve yourself in testing to see how real users interact with your website. This way, you gain more first-hand experience instead of depending on reading testing results.
  • Conduct short post-testing interviews with the participants to ask simple questions about the website to gain more details about their experiences.


SaaS companies can optimize UI/UX principles to design stunning, user-friendly websites. Here you go with the top techniques you can utilize to attain this goal and achieve greater client retention and satisfaction. We hope they will assist you in your next SaaS website design or redesign project.

Lyanne Hero
Lyanne Hero
Dreamer and Music Lover
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