Types Of Collagen And How To Increase Natural Production
Discover the types of collagen most present in the skin and learn how to increase the natural production of this protein that gives firmness, elasticity and resistance.The best way to replenish the nutrients your body needs to make collagen is through your diet. Eating animal products, like beef, chicken, fish, and eggs will provide amino acids. So will beans and legumes, but one of the best foods for building collagen is bone broth.
Foods That Help Your Body Produce Collagen
- Bone broth.
- Chicken.
- Fish and shellfish.
- Egg whites.
- Citrus fruits.
- Berries.
- Tropical fruits.
- Garlic.
Collagen is a protein that our body naturally produces and is the most present in our body – it represents 30% of total proteins and is found in the skin and in joints, muscles, bones, tendons, teeth, and veins. Thanks to collagen, our skin has firmness, elasticity and resistance against mechanical damage resulting from falls, slips and bumps. Therefore, it is essential for the largest organ in our body to serve as a protective barrier. Collagen is also responsible for the youthful appearance and vitality of the skin. That’s because it fills all our tissues, preventing sagging, wrinkles and expression lines.
What are the types of collagen?
There are about 29 types of collagen in our body. The difference between them lies in the molecular composition, defined by each type of collagen’s function in the body.
Three types are the most present in the skin, and that’s what we’re going to talk about.
Type I collagen
It is the most abundant in the body, accounting for almost 90% of all collagen we have. It is the most important for the skin as it keeps it firm and elastic. It is characterised by having thick fibres, which keep the skin resistant to shocks and blows.
Type III Collagen
With very elastic fibers, this type is characterized by flexibility. It is known as “youth collagen”, as it is the first to have reduced production – at age 30, the loss can reach 50%.
Type IV
Type IV collagen is characterised by being formed by molecules that form a network. It also gives firmness and reinforces the structure and support of the skin.
When does the body stop producing collagen?
From the age of 25, our body begins to lose the ability to produce collagen naturally. However, at age 40, the reduction intensifies and natural production decreases by 1% per year.
Therefore, the adult phase is ideal to stimulate the natural production of this protein.
How to help the body produce collagen?
In addition to procedures performed by dermatologists, the use of cosmetics is a great ally for those who want to increase the natural production of collagen.
For this, it is necessary that the product formula has active ingredients of micro molecules capable of penetrating the deepest layers of the skin to reach the cells that are the true collagen factories: the fibroblasts.
Some ingredients that stimulate collagen production:
Marine bioactive
Reinforces the skin structure, increasing the production of collagen I, III and IV, responsible for the firmness of the skin.
Green microalgae bioactive
It mainly increases the production of type III collagen, known as “youth collagen”, which takes its name because it is the first to have reduced natural production (at age 30, the loss can reach 50%).
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Fun Fact
How do you increase collagen naturally?
Eating foods rich in vitamin C and amino acids can increase the levels of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the body as both are important for skin.