
How to Secure Guest Posts on Big Blogs in 2024

Guest blogging is one of the effective strategies to reinforce your site’s growth. By posting articles on other websites, you strengthen your reputation as an expert in your field. Big blogs and large online publishers may even call you a contributor, making readers interested in you and your company.

Marketers consider it a clean technique to increase your backlinks and SEO data points. Furthermore, guest blogging raises your referral traffic, personal brand, partnerships, backlinks, and leads. Findings published by SEMRush and Aira reveal that more than half of their digital marketing specialist respondents use guest blogging for this purpose.

But if you will do it wrong, it will become a waste of time and energy.

Fortunately, you have come to the right site. This article will teach you how to secure guest posts on big blogs in 2024. You will learn the strategies to make your article appealing to blog sites and algorithms. Through the techniques you will learn here, you can use guest blogging to propel your career and enterprise!

1. Build Clear And Feasible Goals

Before you write even the first word on your draft, set your purpose first. You can use the SMART Goals model to set your objectives for the blog post. Take a sheet of paper, and write down your answers for each point:

  • Specific. Which aspects of your brand do you want to enhance through this blog? Is it your leads, interested clients, or page visitors? Do you want to increase your inquiries or sales? Maybe, you want to build your portfolio by contributing to many sites?
  • Which objective standard do you want your guest blog to meet? What are the statistics you wish to your specific goals to reach? How will you define your objectives’ progress?
  • Are your objectives feasible? What do you need to invest in for the guest blog? What is your target word count given your working schedule?
  • About what field do you want or need to write? Who is your intended audience? For which site do you like to submit your guest blog? (You will learn more about these concerns later.)
  • Time-based. How will you divide the milestones? When are the deadlines? Is your topic time-sensitive? If yes, how will it stay relevant much longer?

These SMART goals serve as your roadmap to secure guest posts on big blogs. With a solid plan, your creative process and business goals will become easier to attain. Your investments will not be wasted, so you will become closer to success.

2. Determine Your Topic

Guest blogs lose direction when writers prioritize getting published instead of ensuring their articles’ relevance. Worse, others only write blogs only for SEO points and backlinks. Doing this will harm your reputation and content. In the end, the blog site benefits, but the readers will no longer look for the original writer.

Because of this, ensure that your topic is based on your plans, expertise, and market trends. It should not merely end with what is appealing to the publishers. After all, other factors contribute to your guest blog’s success. With the SMART goals you laid out earlier, you can consider other benchmarks, like SEO ranking, traffic, and ad revenues. Most importantly, remember the audience who will read your article.

Here are the strategies to select your guest blog topic:

  • On a blank paper, freely list your niches and interests.
  • Use keyword, content, and SEO explorers like Ahrefs. You can research the relevant terms that inspire you to write blogs there.
  • Enumerate the subtopics related to your field or career. Maybe, you will find a specific theme you can write about in your blog. You may use a topic map for this.
  • Utilize online blog idea generators.

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3. Examine And List The Respected Guest Blogging Sites

After determining your topic, you should look at the sites that might publish your guest post. These are the example publishing platforms you may consider:

  • The New York Times Opinion Section is open for “guest essays.” They accept topics even outside their typical themes on politics and economics. According to their editors, they welcome articles that follow the guidelines and seem appealing to readers.
  • The Harvard Business Review (org) is one of the most prestigious business publications that accept contributions. The topics on the site include leadership, business strategies, marketing, and other industry-related concerns. If you want to submit an article here, make sure that you read their guidelines. For example, they want evidence-based, original posts by experts who can entertain and persuade readers.
  • com accepts articles about business management, finances, and commercial trends. Their target audience includes CEOs, business owners, managers, and analysts. To contribute to, you should read their guidelines and instructions. Once you contact them, they will ask for your social media profiles, portfolio, samples, and guest post theme.
  • Fast Company covers topics about creativity, innovations, careers, and leadership. They look for online contributions that inspire leaders and provide a unique perspective to the business landscape. They listed their expectations and guidelines in this wittily titled article.
  • Mashable, one of the trendiest social networking news and blog sites, accepts guest posts. They provide the submission requirements on their Contact Us

After listing those, you want to write for, make a table. Fill out each platform’s “authority,” contact information, guidelines, and the appropriate topic you wish to offer. Include at least five sites in this table to consider your options. Moreover, assess the sites’ current posts. It will be a plus if the topic you want to write about has not been discussed yet in their blogs.

4. Contact The Blog Sites

Now that you have your potential topics and client websites, it is time for outreach. These are the tips to make your proposals appealing:

  • Ensure that you read all of their requirements and guidelines. One mistake can ruin your proposal.
  • Begin constructing your pitch. Every blog, especially the reputable ones, has different brand identities and demands. Apply their terminologies and keywords as you tell them your idea. This way, the editors will subconsciously recognize that you carefully studied their guidelines.
  • Check if your guest blog offers a fresh perspective and value. Your submission must be unique, so the editors know that your article will genuinely contribute to their site.

Once you have prepared your pitch, it is time to contact the sites. Write a brief guest blogging outreach letter. Moreover, do not forget to attach the links and portfolio items required by the editors. Here is a template of an outreach letter:

To the editors of [publication name],

Greetings. I am [your name] and want to contribute to the [publication name] through an article. As a [company position/career name] for [number of years], I research and write about [the topic]. I want to submit this to you to benefit your publication and readers.

Here are my social media accounts where you can learn about me and my work:

[Facebook] [Twitter] [LinkedIn]

I assure you that the latest authoritative sources and trends support my article. It will be written only for your platform.



But, again, adapt your outreach letter based on the sites’ guidelines and terminologies.

5. Start Writing

Once a publishing site approves your pitch, you can finally begin to write your draft. Make sure that you do the following for your guest post:

  • Write a long-form article with the site’s prescribed word count. No matter what your writing style is, follow their guidelines and requirements.
  • Create an outline before writing. This way, you can structure your article into well-organized paragraphs and sections.
  • Apply the site’s tone, norms, and style. However, ensure that your message will still stand out.
  • Use the correct punctuation, syntax, and grammar. You may also use boldface or italics to create contrast appropriately.
  • Always remember your audience—what they want, know, or like. Never alienate your readers. Instead, cater to their needs.
  • Ensure that you have proper rights or attributions for the images you use. Add graphs and illustrations. Doing this will increase reader engagement. (However, refer to the site’s rules regarding these.)
  • Reinforce your findings and opinions with research citations and expert quotations. Link your article to other publications and studies.
  • You may add links to your other guest posts or content. (Again, verify if the blog site allows this.)
  • Optimize your article for SEO.

You may hire a proofreader or editor to double-check your draft. They will ensure that your article is free from errors and unintended plagiarism. Furthermore, their fresher perspective helps them find mistakes you have not noticed before.

Upon finishing your article, attach the information required by the site. Include your complete name, social media, portfolio website link, a professional headshot photo, and a brief bio.

At last, send your guest post!

6. Monitor Your Guest Post’s Results

Look back on your SMART goals. At this time, you will measure the effects of your guest post on your business objectives. You may use SEO tools or monitor your statistics.

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Teboho Ibrahim
Teboho Ibrahim
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