
5 Movies Like Standing in the Dust To Watch

Best Movies Like Standing in the Dust

Here is our list of Movies like Standing in the Dust that we are sure you will enjoy. Ahmad is an army general who is required to face the adversary at the Khorramshahr gates. But far from the Iranian border, his fate is decided.

Standing in the Dust Related Movies List


Year: 2020


Kalashnikov, a tank driver wounded in World War II, witnesses the failure of the newest Soviet machine gun. He starts looking for improvements because he is also an inventor, and in 1947 he comes up with the AK-47 assault rifle.


Year: 2014

Director: Yann Demange

A young and lost British soldier is unintentionally left behind by his unit in 1971 after a riot on the dangerous streets of Belfast.

Suite Française

Year: 2014

Director: Saul Dibb

Romance blossoms between Lieutenant Bruno von Falk (Matthias Schoenaerts), a German soldier, and Lucile Angellier (Michelle Williams), a French villager, in the early years of the Nazi occupation of France in World War II.

The Flowers of War

Year: 2011


During the 1937 Japanese invasion of Nanking, a group of women and an American find refuge in a church. He tries to guide the women to safety by pretending to be a priest.


Year: 2013

Director: Fedor Bondarchuk

A group of Russian soldiers struggle to hold a key structure in their destroyed city against a merciless German army while also developing strong bonds with two local Russian residents.

The Best Movies Like Standing in the Dust

I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Standing in the Dust, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Standing in the Dust.

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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