
The 80s : Things You Would Never Hear People Saying

It’s an understatement to say that the 80s were a dramatically different time. This includes everything from fashion, to music, culture, and politics. The area where this period differs the most is probably when it comes to technology. In fact, looking back now, 80s tech was downright primitive. For example, here are some things you would never hear people saying in the 80s.

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Can You Add Me On Facebook?

I think we can all agree that social media has had a pretty negative impact on society. This might be one of the best things about the 80s. There was no social media! You didn’t have to deal with the constant onslaught of messages and notifications. Nor did you have to worry about how many friends or likes you had. No one would ever ask you to add them on social media, or ask about your follower count. Plus you didn’t have to deal with social media related anxiety, addiction, or the myriad of mental health issues caused by these platforms. It sounds like bliss to be honest.

Did You Bring Your Phone?

Another great thing about the 80s was that cell phones didn’t exist. Okay, maybe this isn’t entirely accurate. The first mobile phone was launched in 1973, but smartphones as we know them today were a distant dream in the 80s. Back then, you could truly getting away from it all. Most people weren’t attached at the hip to their phone. They didn’t spend hours of their life staring at screens and endlessly scrolling. They weren’t forced to be in constant contact with the world. And with the degree that some people are addicted to their phones, I think you’ll agree this was a wonderful thing.

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How About Netflix And Chill?

Entertainment in the 80s was nothing compared to today. We’re not talking about the movies and TV shows produced during that time, which are clearly superior to modern rubbish. Nope, we’re talking about the way that entertainment was consumed. If you wanted to watch a movie you had to go to the cinema or rent it on VHS. Television shows had to be watched at the specific time they were broadcast. It was either that or hope for a rebroadcast.

Today it’s like day and night. With streaming platforms you can watch whatever you want, when you want. This includes movies, TV shows, documentaries what have you. Not only that, you can sit there for hours and binge watch. Sometimes this can feel a little overwhelming and one longs for a time when things were simpler. Even worse are platforms like YouTube which add millions of hours of additional content. Come to think of it, YouTube stars and social media influencers would have seemed like science fiction to someone living in the 80s.

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You Have To Wear A Mask

Here’s a big one. Back in the 1908s there was no COVID. There was no dealing with lockdowns and masks. You had the freedom to do what you like. Hopefully we’ll experience this again, but who knows.

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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