
The Art of Flirting: Making the Right Moves on a First Date

A first date is all about making a stellar first impression while getting to know someone new. While you want to ask questions and have meaningful conversation, it’s also important to mix in flirtatious cues to indicate romantic interest. Flirting creates sparks and chemistry that can take a first date to the next level. Follow these first date flirting tips to flirt effectively on a first date from start to finish.

Start Strong with Flirty Body Language 

Flirting begins the moment you meet up for the date, so come prepared to show your interest! As soon as you connect with your date, flash a bright, enthusiastic smile and give him a warm hug if appropriate. This initial full-body contact can get those butterflies going. Maintain great posture and strong eye contact as you chat before sitting down. Lean in a bit to display engagement. Smile frequently to put him at ease while conveying excitement.

Compliment His Appearance

Don’t be shy about complimenting your date right off the bat! Keep it classy and sincere by saying something like “You look really nice tonight, that shirt looks great on you!” or “You have an amazing smile.” This shows you find him attractive and gives him an instant confidence boost. Just don’t go overboard with physical compliments or you may make him uncomfortable.

Ask Lots of Questions and Listen Intently 

To keep conversation flowing naturally, ask light questions about his job, interests, background, and more while sharing bits about yourself. Listen closely to the details and follow up with deeper related questions to show sincere interest in getting to know him. For example, if he says he likes playing guitar, ask what kind, what type of music he plays, and if he ever performs. Give him your full attention when he speaks.

Laugh at His Jokes

Take note of your date’s sense of humor and laugh sincerely at his jokes or stories. Flashing a big smile and giving a playful touch on his arm or shoulder when you find something funny or sweet lets him know you’re charmed by him. Don’t go over-the-top with reactions or it can feel forced. Just offer genuine responses. 

Give Thoughtful Compliments

Look for organic opportunities to compliment your date’s character or talents, not just physical traits. For example, if he mentions he donated to a cause, say “That’s really kindhearted of you to contribute to that organization.” If he talks about backpacking across Europe say “You seem really adventurous and interesting!” Thoughtful compliments show you see the depth in him.

Use Playful Banter and Teasing

Once you two are hitting it off, consider some light playful teasing or banter to get the sparks flying. Keep it friendly and fun, never mean. You can tease him for always running late or make fun of your own terrible cooking skills. Use witty banter to joke and laugh together to bring out your flirty, vibrant energy. Just don’t tease about sensitive subjects.

Maintain Flirty Body Language

Your body language impacts your vibe and attraction level throughout the date. Avoid slouching or hunching over, which can look closed-off or bored. Continue smiling, holding eye contact, sitting up straight, and leaning in to display interest. Fiddle with your drink straw suggestively. Gently touch his hand or arm when making a point or laughing. Physical touch builds intimacy. 

Compliment the Date Experience

If you are genuinely enjoying the date, don’t be afraid to say so! Offer compliments like “I’m really having a great time talking with you,” or “This has been such a fun night with you!” Making it clear you find him and the date experience delightful will make him feel good and eager to ask you out again. 

Signal You Don’t Want the Date to End 

As the date wraps up, find flirty yet respectful ways to convey you aren’t ready for the night to end. For example, suggest continuing the fun with a walk or getting ice cream while lingering close. Or, tell him you still have more questions and could talk all night. This shows you are attracted to him and hoping to extend the date.

Use Flirting to Make a Meaningful Connection

With the right balance of romantic interest, thoughtful conversation, and genuine compliments, you can connect deeply with your date. Flirting should feel natural, playful and fun, not forced. Keep reading his signals and having an amazing time getting to know each other!



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